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Training Neural Networks with Backpropagation
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Andy Pack
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May 2021
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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
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University of Surrey
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Executive Summary
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Andy Pack / 6420013
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May 2021
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Artificial neural networks have been the object of research and investigation
since the 1940s with
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' model of the artificial neuron
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Threshold Logic Unit
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Throughout the century, the development of the single and multi-layer perceptro
ns (SLP/MLP) alongside the backpropagation algorithm
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advanced the study of artificial intelligence.
Throughout the 2010s, convolutional neural networks have proved critical
in the field of computer vision and image recognition
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This work investigates the ability of a shallow multi-layer perceptron to
classify breast tumours as either benign or malignant.
The architecture and parameters were varied before exploring how in order
to evaluate how this affects performance.
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Investigations were carried out in
\noun on
\noun default
using the
\noun on
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package to construct, train and evaluate neural networks.
The networks were trained using a supervised learning curriculum of labelled
data taken from a standard
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from the
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Deep Learning Toolbox
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investigates the effect of varying the number of hidden nodes on test accuracy
along with the number of epochs that the MLPs are trained for.
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builds on the previous experiment by using reasonable parameter values
to investigate performance when using an ensemble of models to classify
in conjunction.
The effect of varying the number of nodes and epochs throughout the ensemble
was considered in order to determine whether combining multiple models
2021-04-30 20:51:04 +01:00
could produce a better accuracy than any individual model.
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investigates the effect of altering how the networks learn by changing
the optimisation algorithm.
Two additional algorithms to the previously used are considered and compared
using the same test apparatus of section
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Hidden Nodes & Epochs
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This section investigates the effect of varying the number of nodes in the
single hidden layer of a shallow multi-layer perceptron.
This is compared to the effect of training the model with different numbers
of epochs.
Throughout the experiment, stochastic gradient descent with momentum is
used as the optimiser, variations in both momentum and learning rate are
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Varied hidden node performance results over varied training lengths for
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visualises the performance of hidden nodes up to 256 over training periods
up to 200 epochs in length.
In general, the error rate can be seen to decrease when the models are
trained for longer.
Increasing the number of nodes decreases the error rate and increases the
gradient with which it falls up to a limit.
64, 128 and 256 hidden nodes lie close together as the increases in performance
Between 0 and 25 epochs, the error rate throughout for any number of nodes
can descend little below 0.35.
The number of epochs to overcome this plateau is different for each number
of nodes.
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The standard deviations for the above discussed results of figure
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can be seen in figure
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As the network starts training, the standard deviation decreases to a minimum
\begin_inset Formula $10-20$
epochs before increasing to a peak at 64.
As the number of hidden nodes increases, the standard deviation decreases.
The initial drop is sharper and the 64 epoch peak increases higher.
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Standard deviation of results from figure
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\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01$
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Varied hidden node performance results over varied training lengths for
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Ensemble Classification
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2021-04-30 20:51:04 +01:00
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A horizontal ensemble of
\begin_inset Formula $m$
models was constructed with majority vote in order to investigate whether
this could improve performance over that of any single model.
In order to introduce variation between models of the ensemble, a range
for hidden nodes and epochs could be defined.
When selecting parameters throughout the ensemble, the models are equally
distributed throughout the ranges
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\begin_inset Formula $m=1$
, the average of the range is taken
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The statistic
\emph on
\emph default
\begin_inset Formula $a$
, is defined as the proportion of models under the meta-classifier that
correctly predict a sample's class when the ensemble correctly classifies.
It could also be considered the confidence of the meta-classifier, for
one horizontal model
\begin_inset Formula $a_{m=1}=1$
As error rates are presented, this is inverted by
\begin_inset Formula $1-a$
\emph on
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\begin_inset Formula $d$
, the proportion of incorrect models when correctly group classifying.
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For comparison, the average individual accuracy for both test and training
data are presented.
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Ensemble classifier performance results for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.03$
\begin_inset Formula $p=0.01$
, nodes = 1 - 400, epochs = 5 - 100
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An experiment with a fixed epoch value throughout the ensemble is presented
in figure
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Nodes between 1 and 400 were selected for the classifiers with a learning
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.15$
and momentum,
\begin_inset Formula $p=0.01$
The ensemble accuracy can be seen to be fairly constant throughout the
number of horizontal models with 3 models being the least accurate with
a higher standard deviation.
3 horizontal models also shows a significant spike in disagreement and
individual error rates which gradually decreases as the number of models
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Ensemble classifier performance results for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.15$
\begin_inset Formula $p=0.01$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-400$
, epochs = 20
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From the data of figure
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, 3 horizontal models was shown to be the worst performing configuration
with lower ensemble accuracy and higher disagreement.
This is likely due to larger proportion that a single model constitutes.
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Optimiser Comparisons
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2021-04-30 20:51:04 +01:00
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Throughout the previous experiments the stochastic gradient descent optimiser
was used to change the networks weights but there are many different optimisati
on algorithms.
This section will present investigations into two other optimisation algorithms
and discuss the differences between them using the horizontal ensemble
classification of the previous section.
\begin_layout Standard
Prior to these investigations, however, stochastic gradient descent and
the two other subject algorithms will be described.
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Stochastic Gradient Descent
\begin_layout Subsubsection
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\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Subsection
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