stem/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/
Andy Pack 6882b75949 vault backup: 2023-12-27 22:45:35
Affected files:
STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/
STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/
STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/
STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/
STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/
STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CV/Visual Search/Visual
2023-12-27 22:45:35 +00:00

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- ai
- media
- art
Deep [Convolutional](../../../../Signal%20Proc/ [GAN](
- Generator
- [FCN](../FCN/
- Decoder
- Generate image from code
- Low-dimensional
- ~100-D
- Reshape to [tensor](../../../../Maths/
- [UpConv](../ to image
- Train using Gaussian random noise for code
- Discriminator
- Contractive
- Cross-entropy [loss](../../
- [Conv](../ and leaky [ReLu](../../ layers only
- Normalised output via [sigmoid](../../
## [Loss](../../
- $S$
- $(0.1, 0.9)^T$
- Score generated by discriminator
- $L$
- $(1, 0)^T$
- One-hot label vector
- Step 1
- Depends on choice of real/fake
- Step 2
- One-hot fake vector
- $\sum_i$
- Sum over all images in mini-batch
| Noise | Image |
| ----- | ----- |
| $z$ | $x$ |
- Generator wants
- $D(G(z))=1$
- Wants to fool discriminator
- Discriminator wants
- $D(G(z))=0$
- Wants to correctly catch generator
- Real data wants
- $D(x)=1$
$$J^{(D)}=-\frac 1 2 \mathbb E_{x\sim p_{data}}\log D(x)-\frac 1 2 \mathbb E_z\log (1-D(G(z)))$$
- First term for real images
- Second term for fake images
# Mode Collapse
- Generator gives easy solution
- Learns one image for most noise that will fool discriminator
- Mitigate by minibatch discriminator
- Match G(z) distribution to x
# What is Learnt?
- Encoding texture/patch detail from training set
- Similar to [FCN](../FCN/
- Reproducing texture at high level
- Cues triggered by code vector
- Input random noise
- Iteratively improves visual feasibility
- Different to [FCN](../FCN/
- Discriminator is a task specific classifier #classification
- Difficult to train over diverse footage
- Mixing concepts doesn't work
- Single category/class