Affected files: .obsidian/graph.json .obsidian/workspace-mobile.json .obsidian/workspace.json Food/Meal Lab/Linux/ Lab/Linux/ Lab/Scratch Lab/Windows/Active Languages/Spanish/ Languages/Spanish/ Money/ Money/Monthly/ Money/Monthly/ Money/Monthly/ Projects/ Projects/ Projects/ Projects/ Projects/ Projects/To Do Projects/img/selector-arch.png STEM/AI/Classification/Supervised/ STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/FCN/ STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/ STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/GAN/ STEM/AI/Neural Networks/CNN/ STEM/AI/Neural Networks/Deep STEM/AI/Neural Networks/MLP/ STEM/AI/Neural Networks/ STEM/AI/Neural Networks/RNN/Representation STEM/AI/Pattern Matching/Markov/ STEM/AI/Searching/ STEM/AI/Searching/ STEM/AI/Searching/ STEM/AI/Searching/ STEM/CS/Languages/ STEM/CS/Languages/ STEM/CS/Languages/ STEM/CS/ STEM/IOT/Cyber-Physical STEM/IOT/Networking/ STEM/IOT/Networking/ STEM/IOT/Software STEM/img/cyberphysical-social-data.png STEM/img/cyberphysical-system-types.png STEM/img/cyberphysical-systems.png STEM/img/depth-first-cons.png STEM/img/depth-first.png STEM/img/iot-mesh-network.png STEM/img/iot-network-radar.png STEM/img/iot-network-types 1.png STEM/img/iot-network-types.png STEM/img/markov-start-end-matrix.png STEM/img/markov-start-end-probs.png STEM/img/markov-start-end.png STEM/img/markov-state-duration.png STEM/img/markov-state.png STEM/img/markov-weather.png STEM/img/search-bidirectional.png STEM/img/search-breadth-first.png STEM/img/search-lim-goal.png STEM/img/search-lim1.png STEM/img/search-lim2.png STEM/img/search-lim3-2.png STEM/img/search-lim3.png STEM/img/search-lim4.png STEM/img/searching-graph-tree.png STEM/img/searching-graph.png Work/
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[Hidden Markov Models - JWMI Github](
[Rabiner - A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition](
- Stochastic sequences of discrete states
- Transitions have probabilities
- Desired output not always produced the same
- Same pronunciation

# 1st Order
- Depends only on previous state
- Markov assumption
$$P(x_t=j|x_{t-1}=i,x_{t-2}=h,...)\approx P(x_t=j|x_{t-1}=i)$$
- Described by state-transition probabilities
$$a_{ij}=P(x_t=j|x_{t-1}=i), 1\leq i,j\leq N$$
- $\alpha$
- State transition
- For $N$ states
- $N$ by $N$ matrix of state transition probabilities
# Weather

$$A=\left\{a_{ij}\right\}=\begin{bmatrix} 0.4 & 0.3 & 0.3\\ 0.2 & 0.6 & 0.2 \\ 0.1 & 0.1 & 0.8 \end{bmatrix}$$
rain, cloud, sun across columns and down rows
# Start/End
- Null states
- Entry/exit states
- Don't generate observations

$$\pi_j=P(x_1=j) \space 1 \leq j \leq N$$
- Sub $j$ because probability of kicking off into that state
$$\eta_i=P(x_T=i) \space 1 \leq i \leq N$$
- Sub $i$ because probability of finishing from that state


# State Duration
- Probability of staying in state decays exponentially

- Given, $a_{33}=0.8$
- $\times0.8$ repeatedly
- Stay in state |