- getAlbum(String, String) - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmNetwork
Get an album from Last.FM
- getArtist(String) - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmNetwork
Get an artist from Last.FM
- getLastTrack() - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Returns last or currently listening track
- getScrobbleCountByDate(int, int, int) - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Return scrobble count by date
- getScrobbleCountByDeltaDay(int) - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Returns scrobble count of day
by today - {int day}
- getScrobblesToday() - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Return scrobble count from today
- getTag(String) - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Returns FMObjList of tagged artists
- getTags() - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Returns list of user tags
- getTrack(String, String) - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmNetwork
Get a track from Last.FM
- getUser() - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Return user object from Last.FM
- getUserName() - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Return network's Last.FM username
- getUserRealName() - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Return user real name
- getUserScrobbleCount() - Method in class sarsoo.fmframework.fm.FmUserNetwork
Return user's total scrobble count