2019-11-20 16:25:38 +01:00

888 B

ASP.NET Core Spotify Example

This project provides an example ASP .NET Core Web Application, which utilizes SpotifyAPI.Web and AspNet.Security.OAuth.Spotify to authenticate the user from Spotify and retrieve his saved library tracks.

Important files/lines

Most of the important configuration is inside of Startup.cs. It reads the client_id and client_secret from the configration store, so make sure you run the following commands in the project directory:

dotnet user-secrets set client_secret YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
dotnet user-secrets set client_id YOUR_CLIENT_ID

Also, it specifies the callback URL (/callback). This has to be registered in your Spotify App Settings (http://localhost:5000/callback)

The actual request to Spotify and making sure that the user is authenticated happens in Controllers/HomeController.cs, which should be self explanatory.