1.4 KiB
id | title |
example_blazor_wasm | Blazor WASM |
import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';
This small cross-platform web app runs on Blazor WebAssembly
, which was released on 19. May 2020. It allows to run C# code in any browser which supports WebAssembly. This allows to create .NET full-stack web projects without writing any JavaScript. Find more about Blazor WebAssembly here
Since this library is compatible with .NET Standard 2.1
, you can use all features of SpotifyAPI.Web
in your blazor wasm app. The example logs the user in via Implicit Grant
and does 2 user-related API requests from the browser. You can observe the requests from your browsers network tools.
<img alt="BlazorWASM Spotify Example" src={useBaseUrl('img/blazorwasm_homepage.png')} /> <img alt="BlazorWASM Spotify Example - network tools" src={useBaseUrl('img/blazorwasm_network_tools.png')} />
Run it
Before running it, make sure you created an app in your spotify dashboard and https://localhost:5543
is a redirect uri of it.
# Assumes linux and current working directory is the cloned repository
cd SpotifyAPI.Web.Examples/Example.BlazorWASM
dotnet restore
echo "{ \"SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID\": \"YourSpotifyClientId\" }" > wwwroot/appsettings.json
dotnet run
# Visit https://localhost:5543