- Only single output neuron fires 1. Set of homogeneous neurons with some randomly distributed synaptic weights - Respond differently to given set of input patterns 2. Limit imposed on strength of each neuron 3. Mechanism to allow neurons to compete for right to respond to a given subset of inputs - Only one output neuron active at a time - Or only one neuron per group - ***Winner-takes-all neuron*** ![](../../../img/comp-learning.png) - Lateral inhibition - Neurons inhibit other neurons - Winning neuron must have highest induced local field for given input pattern - Winning neuron is squashed to 1 - Others are clamped to 0 $$y_k= \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } v_k > v_j \text{ for all } j,j\neq k \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$ - Neuron has fixed amount of weight spread amongst input synapses - Sums to 1 - Learn by shifting weights from inactive to active input nodes - Each input node relinquishes some proportion of weight - Distributed amongst active nodes $$\Delta w_{kj}= \begin{cases} \eta(x_j-w_{kj}) & \text{if neuron $k$ wins the competition}\\ 0 & \text{if neuron $k$ loses the competition} \end{cases}$$ - Individual neurons learn to specialise on ensembles of similar patterns - Feature detectors ![](../../../img/competitive-geometric.png)