# Dynamic vs Algebraic - Dynamic system has "memory", output depends on present and past - Includes diff and/or integral operators with initial conditions - Cap and or inducer - Algebraic - No calculus operators - Output depends only on input # Time Invariant vs Time-Varying # Continuous vs Discrete time # Linear vs Non-Linear # Deterministic vs Stochastic - Deterministic - Output fully determined by parameter inputs - Stochastic - Include randomness - Noise/Disturbance - Same inputs can lead to different outputs # Lumped vs Distributed parameters - Lumped - Only one independent variable (time $t$) - Typical for electrical systems - $x(t)$ - Ordinary differential equations - Distributed - Several independent variables - time, pressure, temperature - Typical for chemical processes and process control -$x(t, P, T)$ - Differential partial equations # Causal vs Non-Causal - Causal - Output depends only on current and past values - Non-Causal - Output depends on future inputs # SISO vs MIMO - Single Input/Single Output - Multiple Input/Multiple Output