- Poles - **X** - Let $X(z) = inf$ - Let $1/X(z) = 0$ - Roots of denominator - Zeros - **O** - Let $X(z) = 0$ - Roots of numerator - In complex (Z for speech) domain [Magnitude Response From Pole/Zeros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jNjVkoZQCU) [MIT Pole Zero](https://web.mit.edu/2.14/www/Handouts/PoleZero.pdf) Representation of rational transfer function, identifies - Stability - Causal/Anti-causal system - ROC - Minimum phase/Non minimum phase ![](../img/pole-zero-attenuation.png) ![](../img/pole-zero-stable.png) ![](../img/pole-zero-feedback.png) # BIBO Stable - All poles of H must lie within the unit circle of the plot - If we give an input less than a constant - Will get an output less than some constant # Region of Convergence - Depends on whether causal or anti-causal - Cannot contain poles - Goes to infinity ## Continuous 1. If includes imaginary axis - BIBO stable - All poles must be left of i axis 2. Rightwards from pole with largest real-part (not infinity) - Causal 3. Leftward from pole with smallest real-part (not -infinity) - Anti-causal ## Discrete 1. If includes unit circle - BIBO stable 2. Outward from pole with largest (not infinite) magnitude - Right-sided impulse response - Causal (if no pole at infinity) 3. Inward from pole with smallest (nonzero) magnitude - Anti-causal ![](../img/roc-right-left.png) ![](../img/roc-two-sided.png) Sinusoidal when complex pair - $e^{-j\omega}$ - Euler's for oscillating Exponential when on the axis - Decays, no $i$ in the exponent ![](../img/transfer-stable-unstable.png)