# Linearity - Neurons can be linear or non-linear - Network of non-linear neurons is non-linear - Non-linearity is distributed - Helpful if target signals are generated non-linearly # Input-Output Mapping - Map input signal to desired response - Supervised learning - Similar to non-parametric statistical inference - Non-parametric as in no prior assumptions - No probabilistic model # Adaptivity - Synaptic weights - Can be easily retrained - Can operate in non-stationary environments - Can change weights in real-time - In general, more adaptive = more robust - Not always though - Short time-constant system may be thrown by short-time spurious disturbances - Stability-plasticity dilemma # Evidential Response - Decisions are made with evidence not just declared - Confidence value # Contextual Information - Knowledge represented by structure and activation weight - Any neuron can be affected by global activity - Contextual information handled naturally # Fault Tolerance - Hardware implementations - Performance degrades gracefully with adverse conditions - If some of it breaks, it won't cause the whole thing to break - Like a real brain # VLSI Implementability - Very large-scale integration - Chips with millions of transistors (MOS) - E.g. microprocessor, memory chips - Massively parallel nature - Well suited for VLSI # Uniformity in Analysis - Are domain agnostic in application - Analysis methods are the same - Can share theories, learning algorithms # Neurobiological Analogy - Design analogous to brain - Already a demonstrable fault-tolerant, powerful, fast, parallel processor