- Phonetics
	- Sound of language
	- Acoustic result of speech articulation
- Phonology
	- How languages or dialects organise sounds
	- Within and across languages
	- Function of sound units in language
		- How phonemes are used
- Morphology
	- Word structure
- Syntax
	- Sentence structure
- Semantics
	- Meaning of words or sentences
- Pragmatics
	- How context contributes to meaning
	- Speech act theory
- Discourse analysis
	- How sentences form text

# Phonetics vs Phonology
- [Phoneme](Terms.md#Phoneme)
	- Unit of sound structure
		- With linguistic content
	- Abstraction of set of sounds
		- Allophones
	- Phonology
- Phone
	- Segment of speech recording
	- Single sound
		- Single phoneme
	- Phonetics