Fully [[Convolution]]al Network [[Convolutional Layer|Convolutional]] and [[UpConv|up-convolutional layers]] with [[Activation Functions#ReLu|ReLu]] but no others (pooling) - All some sort of Encoder-Decoder Contractive → [[UpConv]] # Image Segmentation - For visual output - Previously image $\rightarrow$ vector - Additional layers to up-sample representation to an image - Up-[[convolution]]al - De-[[convolution]]al ![[fcn-uses.png]] ![[fcn-arch.png]] # Training - Rarely from scratch - Pre-trained weights - Replace final layers - [[MLP|FC]] layers - White-noise initialised - Add [[upconv]] layer(s) - Fine-tune train - Freeze others - Annotated GT images - Can use summed per-pixel log [[Deep Learning#Loss Function|loss]] # Evaluation ![[fcn-eval.png]] - SDS - Classical method - 52% mAP - FCN - 62% mAP - Intersection over Union - IOU - Jaccard - Averaged over all images - $J(A,B)=\frac{|A\cap B|}{|A\cup B|}$