2021-05-04 15:24:37 +01:00

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Training Neural Networks with Backpropagation
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Andy Pack
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May 2021
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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
\begin_inset Newline newline
University of Surrey
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\begin_layout Section*
Executive Summary
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Investigations into the accuracy of a shallow multi-layer perceptron at
classifying breast tumours as either benign or malignant are presented.
\noun on
\noun default
and the
\noun on
\noun default
platform were used to construct and evaluate networks of varied architectures
and training periods.
\begin_layout Standard
For experiment 1, the effect of varying the number of hidden nodes was contraste
d with a varied number of training epochs.
As the number of hidden nodes was increased from 1 to 64, the speed of
convergence increased.
The final performance once converged, however, was not significantly affected
by the size of the hidden layer at around a 4% error rate.
Different learning rates and momentum were selected in order to visualise
the effect of these parameters on error rate.
A larger learning rate was shown to increase the speed of convergence while
also increasing the variance in the results.
\begin_layout Standard
Experiment 2 builds on the previous work by creating a horizontal ensemble
classifier of models that use majority vote for consensus.
In order to vary the models so as to make a more robust classification,
variations were introduced to the parameters of the models.
These variations could be made either linearly, with equally spaced parameter
values within a range, or by randomly selecting values from the range.
For uniform ensembles, the combined classification error rate was fairly
consistent throughout the tested group sizes with a variance in results
that decreased as the size of the meta-classifier was increased.
For random ensembles, groups of less than 5 models showed both slightly
higher error rates and significantly larger variance.
By increasing the size of the ensemble, better accuracy with tighter variance
was achieved.
A random ensemble was recommended in order to better sample the allowed
parameter combinations assuming a larger ensemble is employed.
\begin_layout Standard
Experiment 3 repeats the test apparatus of experiment 2 with variations
in the employed optimisation algorithm.
The RMSprop and Adam algorithms are described in order to present the differenc
es to the previously used stochastic gradient descent.
Throughout the evaluated ensemble sizes and algorithms, the group error
rate was comparable indicating that the use of a meta-classifier was able
to overcome the drawbacks of each.
Due to the similar accuracy, a recommendation for RMSprop was made as a
result of its reduced variance for the reported results indicating a higher
robustness for the parameters employed.
For the healthcare domain of the
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Andy Pack / 6420013
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May 2021
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Artificial neural networks have been the object of research and investigation
since the 1940s with
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\noun on
\noun default
' model of the artificial neuron
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\emph on
Threshold Logic Unit
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Throughout the century, the development of the single and multi-layer perceptro
ns (SLP/MLP) alongside the backpropagation algorithm
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advanced the study of artificial intelligence.
Throughout the 2010s, convolutional neural networks have proved critical
in the field of computer vision and image recognition
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This work investigates the ability of a shallow multi-layer perceptron to
classify breast tumours as either benign or malignant.
The architecture and parameters were varied before exploring how the combinatio
n of classifiers can affect performance.
\begin_layout Standard
Investigations were carried out in
\noun on
\noun default
using the
\noun on
\noun default
package to construct, train and evaluate neural networks.
\noun on
\noun default
notebook containing the experiments and the evaluated parameters can be
seen formatted as a single script in appendix
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The networks were trained using a supervised learning curriculum of labelled
data taken from a standard
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from the
\noun on
Deep Learning Toolbox
\noun default
For this binary-classification problem there are two formats for the network,
a single output node (threshold of 0.5 to differentiate classes) or two
output nodes to create a one-hot vector.
As the labels were formatted as one-hot vectors, two output nodes with
a softmax activation function were used.
The number of parameters associated with the employed architectures of
varying hidden nodes can be seen in appendix
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while a graph of the constructed network can be seen in appendix
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investigates the effect of varying the number of hidden nodes on test accuracy
along with the number of epochs that the MLPs are trained for.
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builds on the previous experiment by using reasonable parameter values
to investigate performance when using an ensemble of models to classify
in conjunction.
The effect of varying the number of nodes and epochs throughout the ensemble
was considered in order to determine whether combining multiple models
could produce a better accuracy than any individual model.
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investigates the effect of altering how the networks learn by changing
the optimisation algorithm.
Two additional algorithms to the previously used are considered and compared
using the same test apparatus of section
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Hidden Nodes & Epochs
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This section investigates the effect of varying the number of hidden nodes,
\begin_inset Formula $n_{h}$
, in the single hidden layer of a shallow multi-layer perceptron.
This is compared to the effect of training the model with different numbers
of epochs.
Throughout the experiment, stochastic gradient descent with momentum is
used as the optimiser, variations in both momentum and learning rate are
The learning rate and momentum coefficient used during training are denoted
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta$
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\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.1$
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Varied hidden node performance results over varied training lengths for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.05,0.1,0.5$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0$
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visualises the test performance of hidden nodes up to
\begin_inset Formula $n_{h}=128$
over training periods up to 100 epochs in length.
In general, the error rate can be seen to decrease when the models are
trained for longer.
\begin_inset Formula $n_{h}$
decreases the error rate and increases the gradient with which it falls
to a minimum limit of ~4%.
As the learning rate increases, the speed with which the network converges
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.05$
, networks with large
\begin_inset Formula $n_{h}$
begin converging after 30 epochs.
This is after only 15 epochs for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.1$
and almost immediately for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.5$
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\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.05$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0$
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\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0$
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\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.5$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0$
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Varied hidden node performance standard deviation results over varied training
lengths for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.05,0.1,0.5$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0$
, note the larger
\begin_inset Formula $y$
scale for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.5$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
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name "fig:exp1-test2-12,14-std"
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The standard deviations for the above discussed results of figure
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can be seen in figure
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reference "fig:exp1-test2-12,14-std"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
In general, prior to the networks beginning to converge the standard deviation
is close to 0.
As previously described, this takes place at lower epochs for higher learning
Once the networks start converging, the standard deviation of the test
error rate increases.
Increasing the learning rate also increases the variance in test error
rates, the max value for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.5$
is double that of the lower
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
experiments within the first 20 epochs.
\begin_layout Standard
The results from figures
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reference "fig:exp1-test2-13"
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caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
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plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
can be seen repeated in figure
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp1-test2-13-individual"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
separately to include train error rates along with the previously reported
test performance.
In general the test and train accuracy can be seen to be very similar with
little difference.
While at 10 epochs the train and test accuracies are effectively equal,
by 100 epochs the test error rate has slightly increased from the training
Additionally, at low epochs and high node counts, the variance in test
error rate is significantly higher than the training error rate.
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\begin_inset Float figure
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Error rates across nodes over epochs
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\align center
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filename ../graphs/exp1-test2-13-test-train-error-rate-std.png
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Standard deviations across nodes over epochs
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Test and train results for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.5$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
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name "fig:exp1-test2-13-individual"
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The effect of varying momentum can be seen in figure
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
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reference "fig:exp1-momentums"
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caps "false"
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, a fixed learning rate of
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01$
was maintained throughout.
The meaning of momentum and its effect on training is discussed in section
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "subsec:Stochastic-Gradient-Descent"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
Without momentum (
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp1-test2-11"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
), it can be seen that the network does not begin to converge within 100
This is also the case for
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.3$
, it is only by
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.5$
that some of the evaluated architectures begin to converge.
The test error rates for the 32 and 64 node series' begin to decrease after
64 epochs with
\begin_inset Formula $n_{h}=64$
nodes descending faster.
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.7$
, the 32 and 64-node networks begin to converge earlier, after 32 epochs
while the remaining architectures down to 2 nodes begin to converge after
64 epochs.
Finally, with
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.7$
, all of the evaluated architectures have converged by 64 epochs.
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.5$
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.3$
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.0$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
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name "fig:exp1-test2-11"
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\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Varied hidden node performance results over varied training length with
different momentum coefficients
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp1-momentums"
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
From the presented results, it can be seen that, generally, increasing either
learning rate or momentum increases the speed of convergence.
Increasing the learning rate makes convergence faster as the steps taken
by the weights set across the error surface are larger.
\begin_layout Standard
Increasing the number of hidden nodes also increases the speed of convergence.
However, it is worth noting that a large number of nodes is not required
to achieve a highly performant accuracy.
A single hidden node for a total of 14 parameters, with enough training,
was able to achieve similar results to a 64-node network of 770 or 5 times
as many parameters.
\begin_layout Standard
From the test/train comparisons, the slight divergence of test error rates
from training error would suggest that the network is overfitting to the
training data, reducing its ability to generalise.
\begin_layout Section
Ensemble Classification
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sec:exp2"
\begin_layout Standard
A horizontal ensemble of
\begin_inset Formula $m$
models was constructed with majority vote in order to investigate whether
this could improve performance over that of any single model.
In order to introduce variation between models of the ensemble, a range
of hidden nodes, learning rate and/or epochs could be defined.
When selecting parameters throughout the ensemble, either
\begin_inset Formula $m$
equally spaced values
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $m=1$
, the average of the range is taken
or random values are selected within the range.
The prior equally spaced ranges are referred to as
\emph on
\emph default
ensembles in this work to distinguish them from random ensembles.
\begin_layout Standard
The statistic
\emph on
\emph default
\begin_inset Formula $a$
, is defined as the proportion of models under the meta-classifier that
correctly predict a sample's class when the ensemble correctly classifies.
It could also be considered the confidence of the meta-classifier, for
one horizontal model
\begin_inset Formula $a_{m=1}\equiv1$
As error rates are presented as opposed to accuracy, this is inverted by
\begin_inset Formula $d=1-a$
\emph on
\emph default
, the proportion of incorrect models when correctly group classifying.
Alongside the disagreement and ensemble test accuracy, the average individual
accuracy for both test and training data for all models within the meta-classif
iers are also presented.
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filename ../graphs/exp2-test8-error-rate-curves.png
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filename ../graphs/exp2-test8-error-rate-std.png
lyxscale 50
width 50col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Uniform ensemble classifier performance results for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.03$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.01$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-400$
, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $5-100$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp2-test8"
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An investigation into a uniform ensemble of variable nodes and epochs can
be seen in figure
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reference "fig:exp2-test8"
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The ensemble error rate varies between 16% and 18%.
The individual test and train error rates begin at ~17% and increase to
20% as the models increase.
\begin_inset Formula $m$
increases, the variance in individual and ensemble error rates decreases,
the individual rates decrease sharply while the ensemble error rate decreases
more gradually.
The disagreement increases from
\begin_inset Formula $m=1$
\begin_inset Formula $m=9$
and appears to be fairly constant beyond this.
\begin_layout Standard
An experiment with a fixed epoch value throughout the uniform ensemble is
presented in figure
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp2-test10"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
Nodes between 1 and 400 were selected for the classifiers with a learning
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.15$
and momentum,
\begin_inset Formula $p=0.01$
The ensemble accuracy can be seen to be fairly constant at around 5% throughout
the number of horizontal models, 3 models was the least accurate with a
higher standard deviation.
3 horizontal models also shows a significant spike in disagreement and
individual error rates which gradually decreases as the number of models
The ensemble accuracy was higher than the individual models, significantly
for 3 models (~10%) and by a single percent after
\begin_inset Formula $m=25$
The variance in ensemble accuracy decreases as the number of models increases.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp2-test10-error-rate-curves.png
lyxscale 50
width 50col%
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp2-test10-error-rate-std.png
lyxscale 50
width 50col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Uniform ensemble classifier performance results for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.15$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.01$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-400$
, epochs = 20
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp2-test10"
\begin_layout Standard
Results for a random ensemble can be seen in figure
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp2-test19"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
The ensemble error rate can be seen to be lower than the individual values
with roughly a 2% improvement.
The ensemble error rate is also fairly constant for
\begin_inset Formula $m>3$
, for
\begin_inset Formula $m=3$
the ensemble error rate is higher in line with the higher individual error
\begin_inset Formula $m>1$
, the disagreement can be seen to fairly constant at around 3%.
Looking to the variance, for all series the variance reduces as
\begin_inset Formula $m$
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp2-test19-error-rate-curves.png
lyxscale 50
width 50col%
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp2-test19-error-rate-std.png
lyxscale 50
width 50col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Random ensemble classifier performance results for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01-0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.0$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-100$
, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $10-70$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp2-test19"
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
In general, the use of an ensemble classifier slightly increased the accuracy
over the indivudal models used within.
When using a random ensemble, the accuracy for
\begin_inset Formula $m=1$
was worse than for a uniform ensemble.
This is because for a uniform ensemble, the parameter values were taken
as the mean of the provided ranges which could be expected to provide reasonabl
e values for each.
With a random ensemble, an ineffective combination of parameters could
be selected and there are no other models in the group to balance this
\begin_layout Standard
Throughout the presented experiments, 3 horizontal models was shown to be
the worst-performing configuration with lower ensemble accuracy and higher
This is likely due to the larger proportion of the group that a single
model constitutes.
When correct, three models may only have a disagreement of 1/3 or 0 and
thus the final value will lie somewhere between these two.
As the number of horiztonal models increases, the number of acceptable
disagreement values increases.
As such a value for
\begin_inset Formula $m>5$
allows more granularity in making ensemble decisions.
\begin_layout Standard
A random ensemble would be recommended in order to broadly sample parameter
combinations for the provided ranges.
For a uniform ensemble, each model will have parameters that are selected
from the same point through the range which may lead to consistently ineffectiv
e combinations depending on the selected range
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
For a range of epochs from 1 to 100 and a range of hidden nodes from 1 to
100, each model will have the same value for both using a uniform ensemble.
It can be seen that the particular ranges specified for both is more important
than if the values were selected randomly.
When using a random ensemble it is important to use a large enough group
of models in order to achieve robust group classification.
A value for
\begin_inset Formula $m>10$
is recommended to achieve this.
\begin_layout Standard
In general, increasing the size of the ensemble did not guarantee an increase
in performance however it did tend to reduce the variance in accuracy.
This would be a desired result where robustness is valued such as the domain
of healthcare as is the case for this work.
\begin_layout Section
Optimiser Comparisons
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sec:exp3"
\begin_layout Standard
Throughout the previous experiments the stochastic gradient descent optimiser
was used to change weights of the networks but there are many different
optimisation algorithms.
This section will present investigations into two other optimisation algorithms
and discuss the differences between them using the horizontal ensemble
classification of the previous section.
\begin_layout Standard
Prior to these investigations, however, stochastic gradient descent and
the two other subject algorithms will be described.
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Stochastic Gradient Descent
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "subsec:Stochastic-Gradient-Descent"
\begin_layout Standard
Gradient descent and the closely related stochastic and mini-batch gradient
descent are popular optimisation algorithms in the machine learning space.
\begin_layout Standard
The aim of the neural networks in question are to make correct classifications
on sample data being fed-forward, ideally the networks classification would
be equal to the provided label.
A loss function,
\begin_inset Formula $J$
, is defined as the difference between the predicted output and the target
labelled output
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
There are many different options for the loss function including mean squared
error and categorical cross-entropy.
Although they have significant differences, this coverage of optimisation
algorithms does not rely on a specific loss function.
, it follows that we are aiming to minimise this as much as possible.
In order to improve the network, the values of the parameters,
\begin_inset Formula $\theta$
, must be changed with the intention of reducing the loss value.
From a set of starting weights,
\begin_inset Formula $\theta_{0}$
, this could be completed by finding the gradient of
\family roman
\series medium
\shape up
\size normal
\emph off
\bar no
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\begin_inset Formula $J$
\family default
\series default
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\xout default
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\noun default
\color inherit
\begin_inset Formula $\theta_{0}$
\family roman
\series medium
\shape up
\size normal
\emph off
\bar no
\strikeout off
\xout off
\uuline off
\uwave off
\noun off
\color none
Formally this would be
\begin_inset Formula $\nabla_{\theta_{0}}J\left(\theta_{0}\right)$
, the first derivative of the loss function with respect to the current
In order to reduce the loss, the gradient should be subtracted from the
current weight, a scale factor,
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
, or the learning rate is defined to apply a tuneable proportion of the
gradient to the starting values.
\begin_layout Standard
In order to iteratively apply this algorithm, the form below is used for
time steps,
\begin_inset Formula $t$
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
The differences between standard or batch gradient descent and the previously
mentioned variants is how many samples are fed-forward as part of the optimisat
ion algorithm.
Standard gradient descent propagates and calculates weight changes for
the entire training dataset in a single iteration of the algorithm.
Stochastic gradient descent, instead, processes only one sample during
an iteration.
Mini-batch strikes a balance between the two, the speed of stochastic gradient
descent is retained as more weight updates are made, however the path through
the error surface can be noisier than vanilla gradient descent.
Therefore, although the algorithm is colloquially referred to as gradient
descent or SGD, more strictly as a batch size of 35 was used for this work,
mini-batch gradient descent is being used.
\begin_layout Standard
\noun on
\noun default
implementation of SGD also includes a momentum parameter.
Momentum aims to help a network increase the speed of convergence and reduce
oscillations by reinforcing dimensions (weights) that are changing in a
consistent direction while slowing dimensions that are changing direction
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "paperspace-mom-rmsprop-adam"
literal "false"
Momentum introduces a memory element to the descent by including a portion,
\begin_inset Formula $\beta$
, of the previous step's weight delta or
\emph on
\emph default
in subsequent iterations.
\begin_layout Standard
The introduction of momentum can be described as below
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "tf.keras.optimizers.SGD"
literal "false"
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
v_{t}=\beta\cdot v_{t-1}-\eta\cdot\nabla_{\theta_{t}}J\left(\theta_{t}\right)\label{eq:sgd-momentum}
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
As previously presented (figure
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp1-momentums"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
), momentum can significantly increase convergence speed.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
Although gradient descent is a powerful optimisation algorithm, there are
One limitation is that the learning rate,
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
, is a scalar applied to all gradients.
As a result, smaller gradients as would be found at saddle points move
An alternative would be to expand the single scalar to a learning rate
per parameter that could move dynamically throughout the training process,
known as adaptive learning rate optimisation.
\begin_layout Standard
One such algorithm is RMSprop
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "rmsprop-hinton"
literal "false"
\emph on
root mean square propagation
\emph default
, an unpublished algorithm that builds on previous adaptive algorithms such
as Rprop and Adagrad.
These aimed to overcome the shortcomings of SGD by using just the sign
of the calculated gradients and allowing the learning rate alone to define
the size of the step.
Instead of a constant or defined learning rate schedule, each learning
\emph on
\emph default
and is scaled up or down based on whether it is consistently changing in
the same direction each iteration.
\begin_layout Standard
Equations for RMSprop can be seen below
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "understanding-rmsprop"
literal "false"
For conciseness, the previously defined derivative of the loss function
w.r.t to the current parameters is shortened,
\begin_inset Formula $g_{t}=\nabla_{\theta_{t}}J\left(\theta_{t}\right)$
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
E\left[g^{2}\right]_{t}=\alpha\cdot E\left[g^{2}\right]_{t-1}+\left(1-\alpha\right)\cdot g_{t}^{2}\label{eq:rmsprop-expected-value}
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
As previously mentioned, only the sign of the gradient is used, this can
be achieved by dividing
\begin_inset Formula $g$
by the magnitude
\begin_inset Formula $|g|$
RMSprop extends this by instead dividing by the exponential average of
squared gradients, equation
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "eq:rmsprop-expected-value"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
In this equation,
\begin_inset Formula $\alpha$
constitutes the gradient decay rate, a value of 0.9 is suggested
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "understanding-rmsprop"
literal "false"
\begin_inset Formula $\epsilon$
is a small constant on the order of
\begin_inset Formula $1\times10^{-7}$
that stops the algorithm from dividing by 0.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
Adam or
\emph on
adaptive moment estimation
\emph default
is an optimisation algorithm that combines the adaptive learning rates
of RMSprop with the previously described momentum
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "adam-paper"
literal "false"
Like RMSprop, the exponential average of squared gradients is maintained,
compare equations
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "eq:rmsprop-expected-value"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "eq:adam-squared-grad-accum"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
In addition to this, however, the exponential average of gradients is maintaine
d with a similar function to momentum, compare equations
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "eq:sgd-momentum"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "eq:adam-momentum"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
m_{t}=\beta_{1}\cdot m_{t-1}+\left(1-\beta_{1}\right)g_{t}\label{eq:adam-momentum}
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
v_{t}=\beta_{2}\cdot v_{t-1}+\left(1-\beta_{2}\right)g_{t}^{2}\label{eq:adam-squared-grad-accum}
\begin_layout Standard
These two equations constitute the eponymous moments,
\begin_inset Formula $m_{t}$
is the first moment or mean while
\begin_inset Formula $v_{t}$
is the second moment or the uncentered variance of the gradients.
As these moments are initialised at zero, these estimations tend to bias
towards 0.
The original authors correct the bias using the below
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "adam-paper"
literal "false"
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
This leaves the update step itself, described below.
Similarities can be seen between the previous RMSprop update step (equation
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "eq:rmsprop-update"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
) and that of Adam.
The RMSprop momentum term
\family roman
\series medium
\shape up
\size normal
\emph off
\bar no
\strikeout off
\xout off
\uuline off
\uwave off
\noun off
\color none
\begin_inset Formula $E\left[g^{2}\right]_{t}$
has been replaced by the equivalent
\begin_inset Formula $v_{t}$
while the calculated gradient,
\begin_inset Formula $g_{t}$
has been replaced by the exponentially decaying average gradient,
\begin_inset Formula $m_{t}$
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp3-test1-error-rate-curves.png
lyxscale 30
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Uniform ensemble classifier performance results for SGD, RMSprop and Adam
optimisation with
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.0$
, nodes = 16, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $1-100$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp3-test1"
\begin_layout Standard
A uniform ensemble classifier of fixed
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta$
\begin_inset Formula $n_{h}$
was evaluated, the results can be seen in figure
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp3-test1"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
Across the values of
\begin_inset Formula $m$
and the three evaluated optimisers, the ensemble error rates did not change
significantly with ~1% difference throughout.
The individual error rates and disagreement was more varied, Adam and RMSprop
reported ~10% lower errors for
\begin_inset Formula $m>5$
The previously described spike in individual error rates and disagreement
\begin_inset Formula $m=3$
can be seen.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp3-test1-std"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
presents the variance in these results.
The Adam optimiser showed significantly higher variance for individual
test error and disagreement while the SGD algorithm showed the lowest variance
RMSprop demonstrated a higher initial variance for disagreement than SGD
and then comparable results for
\begin_inset Formula $m>3$
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp3-test1-errors-rate-std.png
lyxscale 30
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Uniform ensemble classifier test variance for SGD, RMSprop and Adam optimisation
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.0$
, nodes = 16, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $1-100$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp3-test1-std"
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Comment
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp3-test7-error-rate-curves.png
lyxscale 30
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Uniform ensemble classifier performance results for SGD, RMSprop and Adam
optimisation with
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.9$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-400$
, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $50-100$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp3-test7"
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp3-test7-errors-rate-std.png
lyxscale 30
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Uniform ensemble classifier test variance for SGD, RMSprop and Adam optimisation
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.9$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-400$
, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $50-100$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp3-test7-std"
\begin_layout Standard
The effect of including random parameter selection from a range of learning
rates, hidden nodes and epochs was evaluated, the results can be seen in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp3-test9"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
Similar to the previously presented random ensemble, the ensemble error
rate is higher for
\begin_inset Formula $m=1$
Past this, the ensemble accuracy is fairly constant throughout the range
\begin_inset Formula $m$
over the three optimisers at ~4%.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:exp3-test9-std"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
presents the variance in these results, RMSprop demonstrated the lowest
standard deviation throughout the range of
\begin_inset Formula $m$
for all series.
SGD and Adam showed a higher variance for
\begin_inset Formula $m\leq5$
before descending to similar values as RMSprop.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp3-test9-error-rate-curves.png
lyxscale 30
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Random ensemble classifier performance results for SGD, RMSprop and Adam
optimisation with
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01-0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.0$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-100$
, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $1-70$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp3-test9"
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename ../graphs/exp3-test9-errors-rate-std.png
lyxscale 30
width 100col%
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Random ensemble classifier test variance for SGD, RMSprop and Adam optimisation
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=0.01-0.1$
\begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.0$
, nodes =
\begin_inset Formula $1-100$
, epochs =
\begin_inset Formula $1-70$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:exp3-test9-std"
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
The similarity in group classification despite variations in individual
error rates across the employed algorithms suggests that the use of a meta-clas
sifer was able to largely overcome the differences in training regimens.
Similarly to the previous discussion, a larger ensemble reduced the variation
in results, providing a more robust classification.
\begin_layout Standard
In suggesting a optimal algorithm it is worth considering the intended domains
for RMSprop and Adam.
As newer algorithms, there tends to a focus on deep convolutional networks
which implies a somewhat different set of requirements such as being able
to scale to large numbers of parameters.
This is not to say that the algorithms are inappropriate for the presented
applications, as demonstrated, these more complex algorithms were able
to outperform the employed gradient descent with optional momentum.
\begin_layout Standard
As the ensemble accuracies throughout the ensemble sizes and algorithms
were comparable, a recommendation for an algorithm can instead be made
primarily on the robustness of the meta-classifier, an important factor
in the subject field of healthcare.
RMSprop showed the lowest disagreement in the group and the tightest variation
in results, for this reason it is recommended based on this presented data.
Although a random ensemble has previously been recommended with the caveat
of using a larger ensemble, RMSprop showed lower variation throughout the
smaller group sizes where Adam showed similar variance to SGD.
\begin_layout Section
\begin_layout Standard
Within this work, shallow multi-layer perceptrons were shown to be able
to achieve an error rate of 4% when classifying breast tumours as either
benign or malignant.
Investigations were made into how the number of hidden nodes and the length
of the training period affected the performance.
In general, increasing the number of nodes increased the speed of convergence
while training the network for longer also increased performance.
A learning rate of 0.5 allowed all of the evaluated network architectures
to train within 40 epochs.
\begin_layout Standard
The effect of creating an ensemble meta-classifier on performance was evaluated
to investigate whether combining models could produce a lower error rate.
While the ensemble accuracy was not significantly affected, the variance
of the results was reduced indicating that the robustness was increased
when classifying in conjunction.
\begin_layout Standard
Two additional optimisation algorithms were evaluated, RMSprop and Adam.
The ensemble accuracy was not significantly affected, although RMSprop
and Adam reported lower individual test and train error rates, the ensemble
accuracy was not significantly affected.
As such, a recommendation for RMSprop was made as it reported tighter variance.
For the healthcare domain, a more robust network was prioritised.
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Network Parameter Counts
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Hidden Nodes
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Trainable Parameters
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Number of trainable parameters for architectures of varying numbers of hidden
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Network Graph
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filename ../graphs/tensorboard-graph.png
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Single hidden layer neural network as graphed by
\noun on
\noun default
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:tensorboard"
\begin_layout Section
Source Code
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sec:Source-Code"
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset include
LatexCommand lstinputlisting
filename "../"
lstparams "caption={Formatted Jupyter notebook containing experiment code},label={notebook-code}"