from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from datetime import date from fmframework.model.album import Album from fmframework.model.artist import Artist from import Image from import Network import fmframework.image import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_album_chart_image(net: Network, username: str, from_date: date, to_date: date, limit: int = 20, image_size: Image.Size = Image.Size.extralarge, image_width: int = 5): album_chart = get_populated_album_chart(net=net, username=username, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, limit=limit) return fmframework.image.get_image_grid_from_objects(net=net, objects=album_chart, image_size=image_size, image_width=image_width) def get_populated_album_chart(net: Network, username: str, from_date: date, to_date: date, limit: int): chart = get_scraped_album_chart(username, from_date, to_date, limit)'populating scraped albums') albums = [] for counter, scraped in enumerate(chart): logger.debug(f'populating {counter} of {len(chart)}') albums.append(net.get_album(, return albums def get_scraped_album_chart(username: str, from_date: date, to_date: date, limit: int):'scraping album chart from {from_date} to {to_date} for {username}') pages = int(limit / 50) if limit % 50 != 0: pages += 1 albums = [] for i in range(pages): scraped_albums = get_scraped_album_chart_page(username, from_date, to_date, i + 1) if scraped_albums is not None: albums += scraped_albums return albums[:limit] def get_scraped_album_chart_page(username: str, from_date: date, to_date: date, page: int): logger.debug(f'loading page {page} from {from_date} to {to_date} for {username}') html = requests.get(f'{username}/library/albums' f'?from={from_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}' f'&to={to_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}' f'&page={page}') if 200 <= html.status_code < 300: parser = BeautifulSoup(html.content, 'html.parser') chart_section = parser.find('section', id='top-albums-section') rows = chart_section.find_all('tr', 'chartlist-row') albums = [] for row in rows: names = row.find_all('a', title=True) album_name = names[0]['title'] artist_name = names[1]['title'] scrobble_tag = row.find('span', {"class": "chartlist-count-bar-value"}) scrobble_count = [int(s) for s in scrobble_tag.contents[0].split() if s.isdigit()] if len(scrobble_count) != 1: logger.error('no scrobble count integers found') scrobble_count = 0 else: scrobble_count = scrobble_count[0] artist = Artist(name=artist_name) album = Album(name=album_name, artist=artist, user_scrobbles=scrobble_count) albums.append(album) return albums else: logger.error(f'HTTP error occurred {html.status_code}')