2020-11-06 19:08:42 +00:00

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Linear Predictive Speech Synthesizer
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Andy Pack
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November 2020
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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
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University of Surrey
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Andy Pack / 6420013
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November 2020
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EEEM030 Coursework 1
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The aim of this report is to demonstrate how digital signal processing technique
s can be used to analyse, model and synthesise speech.
The task will be considered as two areas of concern, that of modelling
and synthesis.
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The modelling stage will utilise Linear Predictive Coding and the source-filter
model of speech to construct a filter that acts similarly to the vocal
tract's effect on sound produced by the vocal chords.
Comparisons of the frequency response for both the estimated filter and
the original sound will be presented, the effect of different filter orders
will also be demonstrated.
Relevant parameters of the original vowel speech segment will be presented
including the fundamental frequency and formant frequencies.
\begin_layout Standard
The synthesis stage will complete the source-filter model of speech by creating
a suitable periodic sound source to be modulated by the previous filter.
With a complete source-filter model, artificial vowel sounds will be synthesise
d and analysed.
Subjective assessments will be made as to the differences between the original
sound and the final product of the model when system parameters are varied.
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The implementation of this system was completed using
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with aid from functions in the digital signal processing toolbox among
Following loading a vowel sample, a segment of changing length (100ms was
standard) was clipped for processing.
The clip optionally also underwent pre-emphasis using a high pass filter.
As speech spectra can tend to have higher energy at lower frequencies,
the use of pre-emphasis can balance the magnitude across the spectrum.
A first order filter was used and the coefficient varied, over-use could
prove excessive for higher frequencies including fricative sounds.
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In order to estimate the filter state of the vocal tract, the linear predictive
coding coefficients of varying orders were calculated using the
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lpc(signal, order)
In order to compare the frequency response of the LPC filter with the original
signal, the Fourier transform of the signal was calculated.
The frequency domain representation of the LPC filter was found using the
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freqz(b, a, n, f)
function and co-plotted with the original signal.
This frequency plot of the LPC filter constitutes the spectral envelope
of the signal and the vowel formant frequencies can be found at the maxima
of the spectrum.
Due to the smooth profile of the LPC spectrum, formant frequencies were
estimated by identifying the local maxima of the function.
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In order to find the fundamental frequency of the signal, the cepstrum was
The use of a low pass filter was investigated in order to smooth the cepstrum
before programmatically finding pitch period candidates by applying
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In order to synthesise speech, a periodic impulse train at the identified
fundamental frequency of the original vowel was generated.
The impulse train was sampled at the same frequency as the original sound.
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LPC Filter
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Order Variation
\begin_layout Subsection
Spectral Analysis
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Fundamental Frequency
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Formant Frequencies
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Cepstrum Smoothing
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While much of the code was developed in individual scripts in order to experimen
t with separate aspects of the system, for collecting results a script which
constitutes the entire system was written,
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