%% conductivity_calculations.m %% %% calculate and present 2D sheet conductivty for graphene close all;clear all; clc; DISPLAY_HZ = true; MIN_F = 9; MAX_F = 15; F_TOTAL = 1e2; x_vals = logspace(MIN_F, MAX_F, F_TOTAL); % hz x_vals = x_vals .* (2*pi); % rads-1 cond = []; for x=x_vals % omega (rads-1), fermi_level (J), temp (K), scatter_lifetime (s-1) cond = [cond sheet_conductivity(x, ev_to_j(3), 300, 5e-12)]; end if DISPLAY_HZ % divide radians back to hertz x_vals = x_vals ./ (2*pi); end figure(1); %plot(x_vals, real(cond)); semilogx(x_vals, real(cond)); grid(); title('2D Sheet Real Conductivity'); ylabel('Conductivity (S/m)'); if DISPLAY_HZ xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); else xlabel('Frequency (rads-1)'); end figure(2); %plot(x_vals, imag(cond)); semilogx(x_vals, imag(cond)); grid(); title('2D Sheet Imaginary Conductivity'); ylabel('Conductivity (S/m)'); if DISPLAY_HZ xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); else xlabel('Frequency (rads-1)'); end