%% conductivity_phase_calculations.m %% %% calculate and present 2D sheet conductivty phase for graphene close all; clear all; clc; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% FLAGS & OPTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DISPLAY_HZ = true; % convert rads back to Hz for presenting MIN_F = 9; MAX_F = 15; F_TOTAL = 1e2; % number of points to generate % EXCITATION_TYPE = 'intra'; % EXCITATION_TYPE = 'inter'; EXCITATION_TYPE = 'all'; MULTIPLE_SERIES = true; % for comparing two dopants %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CALCULATE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% x_vals = logspace(MIN_F, MAX_F, F_TOTAL); % hz x_vals = x_vals .* (2*pi); % rads-1 % CALCULATE SHEET CONDUCTIVITY cond = zeros(length(x_vals), 2); for x=1:length(x_vals) cond(x, :) = sheet_conductivity(x_vals(x),... % omega (rads-1) fermi_from_carrier_density(1.3e17, ev_to_j(3)),... % fermi_level (J) 300,... % temp (K) 5e-12); % scatter_lifetime (s) end if MULTIPLE_SERIES cond2 = zeros(length(x_vals), 2); for x=1:length(x_vals) cond2(x, :) = sheet_conductivity(x_vals(x),... % omega (rads-1) fermi_from_carrier_density(1.3e17, ev_to_j(3)),... % fermi_level (J) 300,... % temp (K) 1e-12); % scatter_lifetime (s) end cond3 = zeros(length(x_vals), 2); for x=1:length(x_vals) cond3(x, :) = sheet_conductivity(x_vals(x),... % omega (rads-1) fermi_from_carrier_density(1.3e17, ev_to_j(3)),... % fermi_level (J) 300,... % temp (K) 1e-13); % scatter_lifetime (s) end end if DISPLAY_HZ % divide radians back to hertz x_vals = x_vals ./ (2*pi); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% RENDER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RE_COLOUR = 'r-'; IM_COLOUR = 'r--'; MAG_COLOUR = 'r:'; RE_COLOUR2 = 'g-'; IM_COLOUR2 = 'g--'; MAG_COLOUR2 = 'g:'; RE_COLOUR3 = 'b'; IM_COLOUR3 = 'b--'; MAG_COLOUR3 = 'b:'; LW = 2; figure(1); hold on; % INTRA if strcmp(EXCITATION_TYPE, 'intra') plot(x_vals, angle(cond(:, 1)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR, 'LineWidth', LW); if MULTIPLE_SERIES plot(x_vals, angle(cond2(:, 1)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR2, 'LineWidth', LW); plot(x_vals, angle(cond3(:, 1)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR3, 'LineWidth', LW); end title('2D Intraband Sheet Conductivity Phase'); % INTER elseif strcmp(EXCITATION_TYPE, 'inter') plot(x_vals, angle(cond(:, 2)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR, 'LineWidth', LW); if MULTIPLE_SERIES plot(x_vals, angle(cond2(:, 2)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR2, 'LineWidth', LW); plot(x_vals, angle(cond3(:, 2)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR3, 'LineWidth', LW); end title('2D Interband Sheet Conductivity Phase'); % COMPLEX else plot(x_vals, angle(sum(cond, 2)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR, 'LineWidth', LW); if MULTIPLE_SERIES plot(x_vals, angle(sum(cond2, 2)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR2, 'LineWidth', LW); plot(x_vals, angle(sum(cond3, 2)) .* (180/pi), RE_COLOUR3, 'LineWidth', LW); end title('2D Sheet Conductivity Phase'); end set(gca,'Xscale','log') % set(gca,'Yscale','log') axis tight if MULTIPLE_SERIES % legend('\phi(TTF)', '\phi(CoCp_2)'); % legend('\phi(1x10^8m^{-2})', '\phi(1x10^{15}m^{-2})', '\phi(1.3x10^{17}m^{-2})'); % legend('\phi(10K)', '\phi(300K)', '\phi(2230K)'); legend('\phi(5x10^{-12} s)', '\phi(1x10^{-12} s)', '\phi(1x10^{-13} s)'); else legend('\phi'); end grid; ylabel('Conductivity Phase (Degrees)'); if DISPLAY_HZ xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); else xlabel('Frequency (rads-1)'); end