import { Game, Board, BrdIdx, Painter, Team, init_wasm, Moveable, SquareState, Square } from "draught"; // import { memory } from "draught/draught_bg.wasm"; /////////////////// // CONSTS /////////////////// const CANVAS_WIDTH = 720; const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 720; var BOARD_WIDTH = 8; var BOARD_HEIGHT = 8; var PIECE_ROWS = 3; var SEARCH_DEPTH = 4; var PERFECT_CHANCE = 0.5; const STATUS_TIMEOUT = 3000; const WON_TIMEOUT = 3000; const GameState = { HUMAN_TURN: { THINKING: "human_turn.thinking", FROM_SELECTED: "human_turn.from_selected" }, AI_TURN: "ai_turn" } ////////////////// // GAME STUFF ////////////////// init_wasm(); // let board = new Board(BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT, Team.Black); const statusText = document.getElementById("status-p"); const statusAlert = document.getElementById("status-d"); const teamText = document.getElementById("team-p"); const nodeCountText = document.getElementById("node-count"); const winningText = document.getElementById("winning-p"); const startBtn = document.getElementById("startBtn"); startBtn.onclick = start_game; let wonTimeout = null; let statusTimeout = null; let setStatus = setStatusAlert; let current_state = GameState.HUMAN_TURN.THINKING; let game = null; let painter = null; let clicks = []; start_game(); ///////////////// // CANVAS ///////////////// const canvas = document.getElementById("game-canvas"); canvas.addEventListener("click", (event) => { var mousepos = getMousePos(canvas, event); // console.log(mousepos); var cell = new BrdIdx( Math.floor((mousepos.y / canvas.clientHeight) * BOARD_HEIGHT), Math.floor((mousepos.x / canvas.clientWidth) * BOARD_WIDTH), ); // console.log(cell); process_canvas_click(cell); }); //////////////// // FUNCS //////////////// function start_game() { game = new Game(BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT, PIECE_ROWS, Team.Black, SEARCH_DEPTH); painter = new Painter(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT, "game-canvas"); // game.set_painter(painter); // game.draw(); painter.draw_current(game); clearInterval(wonTimeout); updateTeamText(); updateWinningText(); clicks = []; current_state = GameState.HUMAN_TURN.THINKING; } function process_canvas_click(cell_coord) { switch(current_state) { // first click of a move case GameState.HUMAN_TURN.THINKING: if (game.current_cell_state(cell_coord).state != SquareState.Occupied ) { return; } if (game.current_cell_state(cell_coord) != game.current_turn() ) { return; } // console.log("Your turn, first piece picked"); clicks.push(cell_coord); current_state = GameState.HUMAN_TURN.FROM_SELECTED; game.set_selected(cell_coord); painter.set_selected(cell_coord); // game.draw(); painter.draw_current(game); break; // second click of a move case GameState.HUMAN_TURN.FROM_SELECTED: // second click is different to first, process as move // otherwise, will skip straight to clean up (clear selected and clicks) if (!clicks[0].eq(cell_coord)) { if (game.current_cell_state(cell_coord).state != SquareState.Empty ) { return; } // console.log("Your turn, first piece already picked, picking second"); clicks.push(cell_coord); if (clicks.length != 2) { setStatus(`Error: wrong number of clicks to process ${clicks.length}`); console.error(`Error: wrong number of clicks to process ${clicks.length}`); return; } let status = game.make_move(clicks[0], clicks[1]); switch(status) { case Moveable.Allowed: if (aiCheckBox.checked && game.has_won() === undefined) { let start =; game.ai_move(); let end =; nodeCountText.innerText = `searched ${game.last_node_count.toLocaleString("en-GB")} possible moves in ${(end - start).toLocaleString()}ms`; } break; case Moveable.IllegalTrajectory: setStatus("You can't move like that!"); break; case Moveable.JumpingSameTeam: setStatus("You can't jump your own piece!"); break; case Moveable.NoJumpablePiece: setStatus("There's nothing to jump!"); break; case Moveable.OccupiedDest: setStatus("There's a piece there!"); break; case Moveable.OutOfBounds: setStatus("That square's not on the board! (how have you managed that?)"); break; case Moveable.UnoccupiedSrc: setStatus("There's no piece to move!"); break; case Moveable.Unplayable: setStatus("That's not a playable square!"); break; case Moveable.WrongTeamSrc: setStatus("That's not your piece!"); break; } } game.clear_selected(); painter.clear_selected(); // game.draw(); painter.draw_current(game); clicks = []; current_state = GameState.HUMAN_TURN.THINKING; break; case GameState.AI_TURN: console.log("It's the AI's turn!"); break; } updateTeamText(); updateWinningText(); checkWon(); } function getMousePos(canvas, evt) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: evt.clientX - rect.left, y: evt.clientY - }; } function setStatusText(txt, hide = true) { if(statusTimeout != null) { clearInterval(statusTimeout); } statusText.innerText = txt; if(hide) { statusTimeout = setTimeout(() => { statusText.innerText = ""; }, STATUS_TIMEOUT); } } function setStatusAlert(txt, alertType = "danger", hide = true) { if(statusTimeout != null) { clearInterval(statusTimeout); } statusAlert.className = `alert alert-${alertType}`; statusAlert.innerText = txt; statusAlert.hidden = false; if(hide) { statusTimeout = setTimeout(() => { statusAlert.hidden = true; }, STATUS_TIMEOUT); } } function updateTeamText(){ let team = game.current_turn(); switch(team) { case Team.White: teamText.innerText = "⚪ White ⚪"; break; case Team.Black: teamText.innerText = "🔴 Black 🔴"; break; } } function updateWinningText(){ switch(game.winning()) { case undefined: winningText.innerText = ""; break; case Team.White: winningText.innerText = "👑 White 👑"; break; case Team.Black: winningText.innerText = "👑 Black 👑"; break; } } function checkWon() { switch(game.has_won()) { case undefined: break; case Team.White: setStatus("You Lost!"); wonTimeout = setInterval(() => { start_game(); }, WON_TIMEOUT); break; case Team.Black: setStatus("You Won!", "success"); wonTimeout = setInterval(() => { start_game(); }, WON_TIMEOUT); break; } } //////////////// // UI //////////////// const widthBox = document.getElementById("width"); /** * Handler for width input box change, start a new game */ const onWidth = () => { BOARD_WIDTH = parseInt(widthBox.value); start_game(); } widthBox.onchange = onWidth; widthBox.value = 8; const heightBox = document.getElementById("height"); /** * Handler for height input box change, start a new game */ const onHeight = () => { BOARD_HEIGHT = parseInt(heightBox.value); pieceRowsBox.max = (BOARD_HEIGHT / 2) - 1; start_game(); } heightBox.onchange = onHeight; heightBox.value = 8; const pieceRowsBox = document.getElementById("play_rows"); /** * Handler for piece rows input box change, start a new game */ const onPieceRows = () => { PIECE_ROWS = parseInt(pieceRowsBox.value); start_game(); } pieceRowsBox.onchange = onPieceRows; pieceRowsBox.value = 3; const aiSearchDepthBox = document.getElementById("ai_search_depth"); /** * Handler for AI search depth input box change, start a new game */ const onAISearchDepth = () => { SEARCH_DEPTH = parseInt(aiSearchDepthBox.value); game.set_search_depth(SEARCH_DEPTH); if(SEARCH_DEPTH > 4) { setStatus("This increases thinking time exponentially, be careful (probably don't go past 6)", "warning"); } } aiSearchDepthBox.onchange = onAISearchDepth; aiSearchDepthBox.value = 4; const aiCheckBox = document.getElementById("ai-checkbox"); /** * Handler for height input box change, get a new universe of given size */ const onAICheck = () => { } aiCheckBox.onchange = onAICheck; // aiCheckBox.checked = true; const aiPerfectChance = document.getElementById("ai_difficulty"); /** * Handler for piece rows input box change, start a new game */ const onPerfectChance = () => { PERFECT_CHANCE = parseInt(aiPerfectChance.value) / 100; game.set_perfect_chance(PERFECT_CHANCE); } aiPerfectChance.onchange = onPerfectChance; aiPerfectChance.value = 50;