wip, libphysx

This commit is contained in:
neuecc 2023-04-13 16:28:54 +09:00
parent 1bd4f42ba2
commit b39702c95c
11 changed files with 31111 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ path = "src/lib.rs"
csbindgen = { path = "../csbindgen" }
physx-sys = "0.11.0"
cc = "1.0.79"

View File

@ -125,5 +125,14 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
use std::{
ffi::{c_char, c_long, c_ulong, c_void, CString},
ffi::{c_char, c_long, c_ulong, c_void, CString}, ptr::null_mut,
use physx_sys::*;
@ -546,3 +548,33 @@ pub struct CallbackTable {
pub foo: extern "C" fn(),
pub foobar: extern "C" fn(i: i32) -> i32,
fn run_physix(){
unsafe {
let foundation = physx_create_foundation();
let physics = physx_create_physics(foundation);
let mut scene_desc = PxSceneDesc_new(PxPhysics_getTolerancesScale(physics));
scene_desc.gravity = PxVec3 {
x: 0.0,
y: -9.81,
z: 0.0,
let dispatcher = phys_PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(
scene_desc.cpuDispatcher = dispatcher.cast();
scene_desc.filterShader = get_default_simulation_filter_shader();
let scene = PxPhysics_createScene_mut(physics, &scene_desc);
// Your physics simulation goes here

csbindgen-tests/src/physx/lib.rs vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
//! # 🎳 physx-sys
//! ![Build Status](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/physx-rs/workflows/CI/badge.svg)
//! [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/physx-sys.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/physx-sys)
//! [![Docs](https://docs.rs/physx-sys/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/physx-sys)
//! [![Contributor Covenant](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributor%20covenant-v1.4%20adopted-ff69b4.svg)](../CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
//! [![Embark](https://img.shields.io/badge/embark-open%20source-blueviolet.svg)](http://embark.games)
//! Unsafe automatically-generated Rust bindings for [NVIDIA PhysX 4.1](https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/PhysX) C++ API.
//! Please also see the [repository](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/physx-rs) containing a work-in-progress safe wrapper.
//! ## Presentation
//! [Tomasz Stachowiak](https://github.com/h3r2tic) did a presentation at the Stockholm Rust Meetup on October 2019
//! about this project that goes through the tecnical details of how C++ to Rust bindings of `physx-sys` works:
//! [![](http://img.youtube.com/vi/RxtXGeDHu0w/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxtXGeDHu0w "An unholy fusion of
//! Rust and C++ in physx-rs (Stockholm Rust Meetup, October 2019)")
//! ## Basic usage
//! ```Rust
//! unsafe {
//! let foundation = physx_create_foundation();
//! let physics = physx_create_physics(foundation);
//! let mut scene_desc = PxSceneDesc_new(PxPhysics_getTolerancesScale(physics));
//! scene_desc.gravity = PxVec3 {
//! x: 0.0,
//! y: -9.81,
//! z: 0.0,
//! };
//! let dispatcher = PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(2, null_mut());
//! scene_desc.cpuDispatcher = dispatcher as *mut PxCpuDispatcher;
//! scene_desc.filterShader = Some(PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader);
//! let scene = PxPhysics_createScene_mut(physics, &scene_desc);
//! // Your physics simulation goes here
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Examples
//! ### [Ball](examples/ball.rs)
//! A simple example to showcase how to use physx-sys. It can be run with `cargo run --examples ball`.
//! ```
//! o
//! o
//! o
//! o
//! ooooooooo
//! o oo oo
//! o o
//! o o o
//! o oo
//! o o o
//! o ooooooo
//! o o oo oo
//! o o o oo oo
//! o o o o ooooooooo
//! o o o oo oooooooooo oo
//! ```
//! ## How it works
//! The binding is generated using a custom C++ app written against clang's
//! [libtooling](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibTooling.html). It queries the compiler's abstract syntax tree, and maps
//! the C++ PhysX functions and types to Rust using heuristics chosen specifically for this SDK. It is not a general
//! C++ <-> Rust binding generator, and using it on other projects *will* likely crash and burn.
//! Since C++ does not have a standardized and stable ABI, it's generally not safe to call it from Rust code; since
//! PhysX exposes a C++ interface, we can't use it directly. That's why `physx-sys` generates both a Rust interface as
//! well as a plain C wrapper. The C code is compiled into a static library at build time, and Rust then talks to C.
//! In order to minimize the amount of work required to marshall data between the C wrapper and the original C++ API, we
//! generate a **bespoke C wrapper for each build target**. The wrapper is based on metadata about structure layout
//! extracted directly from compiling and running a tiny program against the PhysX SDK using the specific C++ compiler
//! used in the build process.
//! The build process comprises a few steps:
//! 1. The `pxbind` utility uses `clang` to extract metadata about PhysX functions and types, and generates partial
//! Rust and C bindings as `physx_generated.hpp` and `physx_generated.rs`. Those contain all function definitions, and
//! a small subset of types. It also generates a C++ utility called `structgen` by emitting `structgen.cpp`.
//! 2. `structgen` is compiled against the PhysX SDK, and generates all the remaining type wrappers. For each struct, it
//! queries the size and offset of its members, and generates `structgen_out.hpp` and `structgen_out.rs`. The types are
//! "plain old data" structs which will perfectly match the memory layout of the C++ types.
//! 3. All the generated C types are compiled together to form `physx_api`, a static library for Rust to link with.
//! 4. The Rust wrapper is compiled, and linked with PhysX and the C wrapper.
//! Steps *2..4* are performed completely automatically from within `build.rs`, while step *1* is only necessary when
//! upgrading the PhysX SDK or modifying the generator. As such, building and running `pxbind` is a manual task, and is
//! currently only supported on \*nix systems.
//! ## License
//! Licensed under either of
//! * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
//! * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
//! at your option.
//! Note that the [PhysX C++ SDK](https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/PhysX) has it's
//! [own BSD 3 license](https://gameworksdocs.nvidia.com/PhysX/4.1/documentation/physxguide/Manual/License.html) and
//! depends on [additional C++ third party libraries](https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/PhysX/tree/4.1/externals).
//! ### Contribution
//! Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
//! submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
//! license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or
//! conditions.
// crate-specific exceptions:
clippy::doc_markdown, // TODO: fixup comments and docs (though annoyingly complains about "PhysX")
#[cfg(feature = "structgen")]
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/structgen_out.rs"));
not(feature = "structgen"),
target_os = "linux",
target_arch = "x86_64",
not(feature = "structgen"),
target_os = "linux",
target_arch = "aarch64",
not(feature = "structgen"),
target_os = "android",
target_arch = "aarch64",
not(feature = "structgen"),
target_os = "macos",
target_arch = "x86_64",
not(feature = "structgen"),
target_os = "macos",
target_arch = "aarch64",
not(feature = "structgen"),
target_os = "windows",
target_arch = "x86_64",
target_env = "msvc",
use std::ffi::c_void;
pub const fn version(major: u32, minor: u32, patch: u32) -> u32 {
(major << 24) + (minor << 16) + (patch << 8)
pub type CollisionCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const PxContactPairHeader, *const PxContactPair, u32);
pub type TriggerCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const PxTriggerPair, u32);
pub type ConstraintBreakCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const PxConstraintInfo, u32);
pub type WakeSleepCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const *const PxActor, u32, bool);
pub type AdvanceCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const *const PxRigidBody, *const PxTransform, u32);
// Function pointers in Rust are normally not nullable (which is why they don't require unsafe to call)
// but we need them to be, so we simply wrap them in Option<>. An Option<funcptr> is luckily represented
// by the compiler as a simple pointer with null representing None, so this is compatible with the C struct.
pub struct SimulationEventCallbackInfo {
// Callback for collision events.
pub collision_callback: Option<CollisionCallback>,
pub collision_user_data: *mut c_void,
// Callback for trigger shape events (an object entered or left a trigger shape).
pub trigger_callback: Option<TriggerCallback>,
pub trigger_user_data: *mut c_void,
// Callback for when a constraint breaks (such as a joint with a force limit)
pub constraint_break_callback: Option<ConstraintBreakCallback>,
pub constraint_break_user_data: *mut c_void,
// Callback for when an object falls asleep or is awoken.
pub wake_sleep_callback: Option<WakeSleepCallback>,
pub wake_sleep_user_data: *mut c_void,
// Callback to get the next pose early for objects (if flagged with eENABLE_POSE_INTEGRATION_PREVIEW).
pub advance_callback: Option<AdvanceCallback>,
pub advance_user_data: *mut c_void,
impl Default for SimulationEventCallbackInfo {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
collision_callback: None,
collision_user_data: std::ptr::null_mut(),
trigger_callback: None,
trigger_user_data: std::ptr::null_mut(),
constraint_break_callback: None,
constraint_break_user_data: std::ptr::null_mut(),
wake_sleep_callback: None,
wake_sleep_user_data: std::ptr::null_mut(),
advance_callback: None,
advance_user_data: std::ptr::null_mut(),
/// return 0 = `PxQueryHitType::eNONE`
/// return 1 = `PxQueryHitType::eTOUCH`
/// return 2 = `PxQueryHitType::eBLOCK`
pub type RaycastHitCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(
*const PxRigidActor,
*const PxFilterData,
*const PxShape,
hit_flags: u32,
*const c_void,
) -> PxQueryHitType;
pub struct FilterShaderCallbackInfo {
pub attributes0: u32,
pub attributes1: u32,
pub filterData0: PxFilterData,
pub filterData1: PxFilterData,
pub pairFlags: *mut PxPairFlags,
pub constantBlock: *const std::ffi::c_void,
pub constantBlockSize: u32,
pub type SimulationFilterShader =
unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FilterShaderCallbackInfo) -> PxFilterFlags;
pub type RaycastProcessTouchesCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(*const PxRaycastHit, u32, *mut c_void) -> bool;
pub type SweepProcessTouchesCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(*const PxSweepHit, u32, *mut c_void) -> bool;
pub type OverlapProcessTouchesCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(*const PxOverlapHit, u32, *mut c_void) -> bool;
pub type FinalizeQueryCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void);
pub type AllocCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(u64, *const c_void, *const c_void, u32, *const c_void) -> *mut c_void;
pub type DeallocCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void);
pub type ZoneStartCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, bool, u64, *const c_void) -> *mut c_void;
pub type ZoneEndCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const i8, bool, u64, *const c_void);
pub type ErrorCallback =
unsafe extern "C" fn(PxErrorCode, *const i8, *const i8, u32, *const c_void);
pub type AssertHandler = unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const i8, u32, *mut bool, *const c_void);
extern "C" {
pub fn physx_create_foundation() -> *mut PxFoundation;
pub fn physx_create_foundation_with_alloc(
allocator: *mut PxDefaultAllocator,
) -> *mut PxFoundation;
pub fn physx_create_physics(foundation: *mut PxFoundation) -> *mut PxPhysics;
pub fn get_default_allocator() -> *mut PxDefaultAllocator;
pub fn get_default_error_callback() -> *mut PxDefaultErrorCallback;
/// Destroy the returned callback object using PxQueryFilterCallback_delete.
pub fn create_raycast_filter_callback(
actor_to_ignore: *const PxRigidActor,
) -> *mut PxQueryFilterCallback;
/// Destroy the returned callback object using PxQueryFilterCallback_delete.
pub fn create_raycast_filter_callback_func(
callback: RaycastHitCallback,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxQueryFilterCallback;
pub fn create_raycast_buffer() -> *mut PxRaycastCallback;
pub fn create_sweep_buffer() -> *mut PxSweepCallback;
pub fn create_overlap_buffer() -> *mut PxOverlapCallback;
pub fn create_raycast_callback(
process_touches_callback: RaycastProcessTouchesCallback,
finalize_query_callback: FinalizeQueryCallback,
touches_buffer: *mut PxRaycastHit,
num_touches: u32,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxRaycastCallback;
pub fn create_sweep_callback(
process_touches_callback: SweepProcessTouchesCallback,
finalize_query_callback: FinalizeQueryCallback,
touches_buffer: *mut PxSweepHit,
num_touches: u32,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxSweepCallback;
pub fn create_overlap_callback(
process_touches_callback: OverlapProcessTouchesCallback,
finalize_query_callback: FinalizeQueryCallback,
touches_buffer: *mut PxOverlapHit,
num_touches: u32,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxOverlapCallback;
pub fn delete_raycast_callback(callback: *mut PxRaycastCallback);
pub fn delete_sweep_callback(callback: *mut PxSweepCallback);
pub fn delete_overlap_callback(callback: *mut PxOverlapCallback);
pub fn create_alloc_callback(
alloc_callback: AllocCallback,
dealloc_callback: DeallocCallback,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxAllocatorCallback;
pub fn create_profiler_callback(
zone_start_callback: ZoneStartCallback,
zone_end_callback: ZoneEndCallback,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxProfilerCallback;
pub fn get_alloc_callback_user_data(alloc_callback: *mut PxAllocatorCallback) -> *mut c_void;
pub fn create_error_callback(
error_callback: ErrorCallback,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxErrorCallback;
pub fn create_assert_handler(
error_callback: AssertHandler,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxAssertHandler;
pub fn get_default_simulation_filter_shader() -> *mut c_void;
/// Create a C++ proxy callback which will forward contact events to `Callback`.
/// The returned pointer must be freed by calling `destroy_contact_callback` when done using.
pub fn create_contact_callback(
callback: CollisionCallback,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *mut PxSimulationEventCallback;
/// Deallocates the PxSimulationEventCallback that has previously been created
pub fn destroy_contact_callback(callback: *mut PxSimulationEventCallback);
/// New interface to handle simulation events, replacing create_contact_callback.
pub fn create_simulation_event_callbacks(
callbacks: *const SimulationEventCallbackInfo,
) -> *mut PxSimulationEventCallback;
pub fn get_simulation_event_info(
callback: *mut PxSimulationEventCallback,
) -> *mut SimulationEventCallbackInfo;
pub fn destroy_simulation_event_callbacks(callback: *mut PxSimulationEventCallback);
/// Override the default filter shader in the scene with a custom function.
/// If call_default_filter_shader_first is set to true, this will first call the
/// built-in PhysX filter (that matches Physx 2.8 behavior) before your callback.
pub fn enable_custom_filter_shader(
scene_desc: *mut PxSceneDesc,
shader: SimulationFilterShader,
call_default_filter_shader_first: u32,
/// Should only be used in testing etc! This isn't generated as we don't generate op functions.
pub fn PxAssertHandler_opCall_mut(
self_: *mut PxAssertHandler,
expr: *const i8,
file: *const i8,
line: i32,
ignore: *mut bool,
) -> ();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pub struct Builder {
pub struct BindgenOptions {
pub input_bindgen_file: String,
pub input_bindgen_files: Vec<String>,
pub input_extern_files: Vec<String>,
pub method_filter: fn(method_name: String) -> bool,
pub rust_method_type_path: String,
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ impl Default for Builder {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
options: BindgenOptions {
input_bindgen_file: "".to_string(),
input_bindgen_files: vec![],
input_extern_files: vec![],
method_filter: |x| !x.starts_with('_'),
rust_method_type_path: "".to_string(),
@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ impl Builder {
/// Change an input .rs file(such as generated from bindgen) to generate binding.
pub fn input_bindgen_file<T: Into<String>>(mut self, input_bindgen_file: T) -> Builder {
self.options.input_bindgen_file = input_bindgen_file.into();
@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ impl Builder {
csharp_output_path: P,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
if !self.options.input_bindgen_file.is_empty() {
if !self.options.input_bindgen_files.is_empty() {
let (_, csharp) = generate(GenerateKind::InputBindgen, &self.options)?;
let mut csharp_file = make_file(csharp_output_path.as_ref())?;
@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ impl Builder {
rust_output_path: P,
csharp_output_path: P,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
if !self.options.input_bindgen_file.is_empty() {
if !self.options.input_bindgen_files.is_empty() {
let (rust, csharp) = generate(GenerateKind::InputBindgen, &self.options)?;
if let Some(rust) = rust {

View File

@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ pub(crate) fn generate(
generate_kind: GenerateKind,
options: &BindgenOptions,
) -> Result<(Option<String>, String), Box<dyn Error>> {
let temp_input = [options.input_bindgen_file.clone()];
let (paths, generate_rust) = match generate_kind {
GenerateKind::InputBindgen => (temp_input.as_slice(), true),
GenerateKind::InputBindgen => (options.input_bindgen_files.as_slice(), true),
GenerateKind::InputExtern => (options.input_extern_files.as_slice(), false),

dotnet-sandbox/libphysx_csbindgen.cs vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
width: 1953
height: 1546
m_ShowMode: 4
m_Title: Game
m_Title: Console
m_RootView: {fileID: 11}
m_MinSize: {x: 875, y: 300}
m_MaxSize: {x: 10000, y: 10000}
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_MinSize: {x: 640, y: 601}
m_MaxSize: {x: 4000, y: 4021}
vertical: 0
controlID: 2323
controlID: 123
--- !u!114 &5
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_MinSize: {x: 200, y: 100}
m_MaxSize: {x: 16192, y: 8096}
vertical: 0
controlID: 24
controlID: 231
--- !u!114 &7
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_MinSize: {x: 300, y: 200}
m_MaxSize: {x: 24288, y: 16192}
vertical: 0
controlID: 17
controlID: 108
--- !u!114 &8
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
y: 0
width: 456
height: 1496
m_MinSize: {x: 276, y: 71}
m_MaxSize: {x: 4001, y: 4021}
m_MinSize: {x: 275, y: 50}
m_MaxSize: {x: 4000, y: 4000}
m_ActualView: {fileID: 20}
- {fileID: 20}
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 1
m_Script: {fileID: 12006, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0}
m_Name: ProjectSettingsWindow
m_Name: ConsoleWindow
m_Children: []
@ -245,14 +245,14 @@ MonoBehaviour:
y: 0
width: 997
height: 608
m_MinSize: {x: 311, y: 221}
m_MinSize: {x: 101, y: 121}
m_MaxSize: {x: 4001, y: 4021}
m_ActualView: {fileID: 18}
m_ActualView: {fileID: 24}
- {fileID: 24}
- {fileID: 18}
m_Selected: 1
m_LastSelected: 0
m_Selected: 0
m_LastSelected: 1
--- !u!114 &11
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_MinSize: {x: 200, y: 200}
m_MaxSize: {x: 16192, y: 16192}
vertical: 1
controlID: 123
controlID: 109
--- !u!114 &15
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_MinSize: {x: 200, y: 100}
m_MaxSize: {x: 16192, y: 8096}
vertical: 0
controlID: 124
controlID: 110
--- !u!114 &16
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
@ -560,9 +560,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_IsLocked: 0
scrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_SelectedIDs: b65f0000
m_LastClickedID: 24502
m_ExpandedIDs: 00000000b65f000000ca9a3bffffff7f
m_SelectedIDs: de5f0000
m_LastClickedID: 24542
m_ExpandedIDs: 00000000de5f000000ca9a3bffffff7f
m_UserAcceptedRename: 0
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
scrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_LastClickedID: 0
m_ExpandedIDs: 00000000b65f0000
m_ExpandedIDs: 00000000de5f0000
m_UserAcceptedRename: 0
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_LastClickedInstanceID: 0
m_HadKeyboardFocusLastEvent: 1
m_HadKeyboardFocusLastEvent: 0
m_ExpandedInstanceIDs: c6230000
m_UserAcceptedRename: 0
@ -720,21 +720,21 @@ MonoBehaviour:
scrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_LastClickedID: 0
m_ExpandedIDs: 6ccbffffb6cbffff16cdffff84cfffffcecfffff2ed1ffff2cd5ffff76d5ffffd6d6ffff2ad9ffff74d9ffffd4daffff1eddffff68ddffffc8deffff24e1ffff6ee1ffffcee2ffff74e6ffffbee6ffff1ee8ffff26eaffff70eaffffd0ebfffffcf3ffff8af4ffffccf4ffff3af6ffff22fbffff78780000
m_ExpandedIDs: 18d4ffff60d4ffffc0d5ffff12d8ffff5ad8ffffbad9ffff04dcffff4cdcffffacddfffff6dfffff3ee0ffff58e0ffff00e1ffff48e1ffffa8e2ffff90e6ffffd8e6ffff38e8ffff5cebffffa4ebffff04edffff2afbffff
m_UserAcceptedRename: 0
m_Name: Text (Legacy)
m_OriginalName: Text (Legacy)
serializedVersion: 2
x: 0
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m_UserData: -3120
m_UserData: 0
m_IsWaitingForDelay: 0
m_IsRenaming: 0
m_OriginalEventType: 4
m_OriginalEventType: 11
m_IsRenamingFilename: 0
m_ClientGUIView: {fileID: 9}
@ -991,9 +991,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_PlayAudio: 0
m_AudioPlay: 0
m_Target: {x: 639.1462, y: 631.1552, z: -5.5470376}
m_Target: {x: 499.8913, y: 522.92053, z: 0}
speed: 2
m_Value: {x: 639.1462, y: 631.1552, z: -5.5470376}
m_Value: {x: 499.8913, y: 522.92053, z: 0}
m_RenderMode: 0
drawMode: 0
@ -1044,9 +1044,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
speed: 2
m_Value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_Target: 636.09985
m_Target: 494.99554
speed: 2
m_Value: 636.09985
m_Value: 494.99554
m_Target: 1
speed: 2