using Newtonsoft.Json; using SpotifyAPI.Local.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("SpotifyAPI.Tests")] namespace SpotifyAPI.Local { internal class RemoteHandler { public string OauthKey { get; private set; } public string CfidKey { get; private set; } private SpotifyLocalAPIConfig _config; public RemoteHandler(SpotifyLocalAPIConfig config) { _config = config; } internal bool Init() { OauthKey = GetOAuthKey(); CfidKey = GetCfid(); return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CfidKey); } internal async Task SendPauseRequest() { NameValueCollection @params = new NameValueCollection { { "pause", "true" } }; await QueryAsync("remote/pause.json", true, true, -1, @params).ConfigureAwait(false); } internal async Task SendPlayRequest() { NameValueCollection @params = new NameValueCollection { { "pause", "false" } }; await QueryAsync("remote/pause.json", true, true, -1, @params).ConfigureAwait(false); } internal async Task SendPlayRequest(string url, string context = "") { // TODO: instead of having an empty context, one way to fix the bug with the playback time beyond the length of a song would be to provide a 1-song context, and it would be fixed. NameValueCollection @params = new NameValueCollection { {"uri", url}, {"context", context} }; await QueryAsync($"remote/play.json", true, true, -1, @params).ConfigureAwait(false); } internal async Task SendQueueRequest(string url) { NameValueCollection @params = new NameValueCollection { {"uri", url}, {"action", "queue"} }; await QueryAsync("remote/play.json", true, true, -1, @params).ConfigureAwait(false); } internal StatusResponse GetNewStatus() { string response = Query("remote/status.json", true, true, -1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) return null; response = response.Replace("\\n", ""); List raw = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(response); return raw[0]; } internal string GetOAuthKey() { string raw; using (WebClient wc = GetWebClientWithUserAgentHeader()) { raw = wc.DownloadString(""); } Dictionary dic = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(raw); return dic == null ? "" : (string)dic["t"]; } internal string GetCfid() { string response = Query("simplecsrf/token.json", false, false, -1); response = response.Replace(@"\", ""); List cfidList = (List)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response, typeof(List)); if (cfidList == null) return ""; if (cfidList.Count != 1) throw new Exception("CFID could not be loaded"); return cfidList[0].Error == null ? cfidList[0].Token : ""; } internal string BuildQueryString(bool oauth, bool cfid, int wait, NameValueCollection @params = null) { if (@params == null) { @params = new NameValueCollection(); } NameValueCollection queryParameter = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty); queryParameter.Add(@params); queryParameter.Add(new NameValueCollection() { { "ref", string.Empty}, { "cors", string.Empty}, { "_", GetTimestamp().ToString()} }); if (oauth) { queryParameter.Add("oauth", OauthKey); } if (cfid) { queryParameter.Add("csrf", CfidKey); } if (wait != -1) { queryParameter.Add("returnafter", wait.ToString()); queryParameter.Add("returnon", "login%2Clogout%2Cplay%2Cpause%2Cerror%2Cap"); } return queryParameter.ToString(); } internal string Query(string baseUrl, bool oauth, bool cfid, int wait, NameValueCollection @params = null) { string parameters = BuildQueryString(oauth, cfid, wait, @params); string address = $"{_config.HostUrl}:{_config.Port}/{baseUrl}?{parameters}"; string response = string.Empty; try { using (ExtendedWebClient wc = new ExtendedWebClient()) { if (SpotifyLocalAPI.IsSpotifyRunning()) { response = "[ " + wc.DownloadString(address) + " ]"; } } } catch { return string.Empty; } return response; } internal async Task QueryAsync(string baseUrl, bool oauth, bool cfid, int wait, NameValueCollection @params = null) { string parameters = BuildQueryString(oauth, cfid, wait, @params); string address = $"{_config.HostUrl}:{_config.Port}/{baseUrl}?{parameters}"; string response = ""; try { using (ExtendedWebClient wc = new ExtendedWebClient()) { if (SpotifyLocalAPI.IsSpotifyRunning()) response = "[ " + await wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync(new Uri(address)).ConfigureAwait(false) + " ]"; } } catch { return string.Empty; } return response; } internal int GetTimestamp() { return Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds); } internal WebClient GetWebClientWithUserAgentHeader() { WebClient wc = new WebClient { Proxy = _config?.ProxyConfig?.CreateWebProxy() }; wc.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, _config?.UserAgent); return wc; } } }