import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Layout from '@theme/Layout'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock' import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs' import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem' import Link from '@docusaurus/Link'; import useDocusaurusContext from '@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext'; import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; import styles from './styles.module.css'; import GitHubButton from 'react-github-btn' import InstallInstructions from '../install_instructions'; const exampleCode = `var spotify = new SpotifyClient("YourAccessToken"); var me = await spotify.UserProfile.Current(); Console.WriteLine($"Hello there {me.DisplayName}"); await foreach( var playlist in spotify.Paginate(spotify.Playlists.CurrentUsers()) ) { Console.WriteLine(playlist.Name); }`; const features = [ { title: <>Sane Defaults - Easy To Configure, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_preferences_uuo2.svg', description: () => ( <> SpotifyAPI-NET allows you to quickly integrate with Spotify's Web API by supplying sane configuration defaults from the start. Later on, behaviour can be customized using extensive configuration possibilities. ), }, { title: <>All API Calls Integrated, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_project_completed_w0oq.svg', description: () => ( <> The Spotify Web API consists of over 74 API calls. SpotifyAPI-NET provides fully typed requests/responses for all of them. ), }, { title: <>.NET Standard 2.X, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_Devices_e67q.svg', description: () => ( <> With the support of .NET Standard 2.X, SpotifyAPI-NET runs on many platforms, including .NET Core, UWP and Xamarin.Forms (Windows, Android, iOS and Mac) ), }, { title: <>Testable, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_QA_engineers_dg5p.svg', description: () => ( <> SpotifyAPI-NET is built on a modular structure, which allows easy testing through mocks and stubs. Learn more by visiting the Testing Guide ), }, ]; function Feature({ imageUrl, title, description }) { const imgUrl = useBaseUrl(imageUrl); return (
{imgUrl && (



); } function Home() { const context = useDocusaurusContext(); const { siteConfig = {} } = context; return (

{siteConfig.title} Star


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{features && features.length && (
{, idx) => ( ))}
); } export default Home;