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Version: 6.X



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lidarr by @lidarr#

Looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music.

botframework-solutions by @microsoft#

home for a set of templates and solutions to help build advanced conversational experiences using Azure Bot Service and Bot Framework

Spytify by @jwallet#

Records Spotify to mp3 without ads while it plays and includes media tags to the recorded files

Sp0 by @JohnnyCrazy#

A cross-platform CLI Tool for requesting the Spotify Web API, with a focus on automation.

audio-band by @dsafa#

Display and control songs from the Windows taskbar

SpotifyMatch.NET by @denismtfl#

Windows tool with for looking up local files with Spotify & adding them to a library

rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit by @catara#

MASS Manipulation of Rocksmith DLC Library

Spofy by @eltoncezar#

A Spotify mini player and notifier for Windows

Toastify by @aleab#

Toastify adds global hotkeys and toast notifications to Spotify

Forked from nachmore/toastify

Spotify Oculus by @CaptainMorgs#

Unity project for interacting with Spotify in virtual reality for the Oculus Rift.

Songify by @Inzaniity#

A simple tool that gets the current track from Spotify, YouTube and Nightbot.

Elite G19s Companion app by @MagicMau#

Main features include: system and station overview, play radio and podcast with audio visualizations, simulated Space Traffic Control, GPS functionality (including planetary races), an orrery view, a screenshot converter, and a news ticker.

ARDUINO-Spotify-Remote-Control by @NADER11NDEU#

Well, with this project we will be able to control active spotify devices with Arduino. How we gonna do that ? We will use serial communication.

Melodify by @Novatorem#

Spotify miniplayer interface with user stats, recommendations, youtube music videos, and more. Exposes a lot of SpotifyAPI-NET functionality with reauth.

Library Bridger by @Iztral#

Application that scans your local music library and searches Spotify for equivalent tracks. It automates most of the process so you don't need to search for each individual song by hand. Additional, you can enable search by audio so it works a bit like Shazam.

Rhythm Games Converter by @Suprnova123#

Tool that looks for songs in, among other things, your Spotify playlists, that also appear in popular rhythm games.

SpotiSharp by @L0um15#

Music Downloader using Spotify Web API.

LuminFy by @ibrajber99#

App to look for music check you profile data and controll your Spotfy App from it.

Sortify by @tomaszFijalkowski#

Sortify is a powerful tool that aims to help people organize their Spotify libraries. It allows you to sort existing playlists or create new ones. When creating, you have an option to merge or split the playlists. It also removes any track duplicates from them. All that, while being very simple and friendly to use.

Last updated on by Jonas Dellinger