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Version: 6.X


The library provides a way to inject your own, custom HTTP Logger. By default, no logging is performed.

var config = SpotifyClientConfig  .CreateDefault("YourAccessToken")  .WithHTTPLogger(new YourHTTPLogger());
var spotify = new SpotifyClient(config);

The IHTTPLogger interface can be found here.


The library ships with a simple console-based logger.

var config = SpotifyClientConfig  .CreateDefault("YourAccessToken")  .WithHTTPLogger(new SimpleConsoleHTTPLogger());
var spotify = new SpotifyClient(config);

This logger produces a simple console output for debugging purposes:

GET tracks/NotAnid []--> BadRequest application/json {  "error" : {    "status" : 400,    "message" : "
GET tracks/6YlOxoHWLjH6uVQvxUIUug []--> OK application/json {  "album" : {    "album_type" : "album",    "arti