--- id: playlists title: Playlists sidebar_label: Playlists --- ## GetUserPlaylists > Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |[limit]| The maximum number of playlists to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50. | `20` |[offset]| The index of the first playlist to return. Default: 0 (the first object) | `0` Returns a [SimplePlaylist](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#playlist-object-simplified) wrapped inside a [Paging Object](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#paging-object) **Usage** ```csharp Paging userPlaylists = _spotify.GetUserPlaylists("1122095781"); userPlaylists.Items.ForEach(playlist => playlist.Owner.DisplayName) //Who is the owner of the playlist? ``` --- ## GetPlaylist > Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |[fields]| Filters for the query: a comma-separated list of the fields to return. If omitted, all fields are returned. | `"description,uri"` |[market]| An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter if you want to apply Track Relinking. | "DE" Returns a [FullTrack](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#track-object-full) **Usage** ```csharp FullPlaylist playlist = _spotify.GetPlaylist("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"); playlist.Tracks.Items.ForEach(track => Console.WriteLine(track.Track.Name)); ``` --- ## GetPlaylistTracks > Get full details of the tracks of a playlist owned by a Spotify user. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |[fields]| Filters for the query: a comma-separated list of the fields to return. If omitted, all fields are returned. | `"description,uri"` |[limit]| The maximum number of tracks to return. Default: 100. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100. | `100` |[offset]| The index of the first object to return. Default: 0 (i.e., the first object) | `0` |[market]| An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter if you want to apply Track Relinking. | `DE` Returns a [PlaylistTrack](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#playlist-object-simplified) wrapped inside a [Paging Object](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#paging-object) **Usage** ```csharp Paging playlist = _spotify.GetPlaylistTracks("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"); playlist.Items.ForEach(track => Console.WriteLine(track.Track.Name)); ``` --- ## CreatePlaylist > Create a playlist for a Spotify user. (The playlist will be empty until you add tracks.) **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistName| The name for the new playlist, for example "Your Coolest Playlist". This name does not need to be unique. | `"This is my new Playlist"` |[isPublic]| default true. If true the playlist will be public, if false it will be private. To be able to create private playlists, the user must have granted the playlist-modify-private scope. | `true` Returns a [FullPlaylist](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#playlist-object-full) **Usage** ```csharp FullPlaylist playlist = _spotify.CreatePlaylist("1122095781", "This is my new Playlist"); if(!playlist.HasError()) Console.WriteLine("Playlist-URI: " + playlist.Uri); ``` --- ## UpdatePlaylist > Change a playlist’s name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.) **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |[newName]| The new name for the playlist, for example "My New Playlist Title". | `"New Playlistname"` |[newPublic]| If true the playlist will be public, if false it will be private. | EXAMPLE Returns a `ErrorResponse` which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`) **Usage** ```csharp ErrorResponse response = _spotify.UpdatePlaylist("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", "New Name", true); if(!response.HasError()) Console.WriteLine("success"); ``` --- ## ReplacePlaylistTracks > Replace all the tracks in a playlist, overwriting its existing tracks. This powerful request can be useful for replacing tracks, re-ordering existing tracks, or clearing the playlist. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |uris| A list of Spotify track URIs to set. A maximum of 100 tracks can be set in one request. | `new List { "1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1" }` Returns a `ErrorResponse` which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`) **Usage** ```csharp ErrorResponse response = _spotify.ReplacePlaylistTracks("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", new List { "1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1" }); if(!response.HasError()) Console.WriteLine("success"); ``` --- ## RemovePlaylistTracks > Remove one or more tracks from a user’s playlist. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |uris| array of objects containing Spotify URI strings (and their position in the playlist). A maximum of 100 objects can be sent at once. | `(example below)` Returns a `ErrorResponse` which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`) **Usage** ```csharp //Remove multiple tracks ErrorResponse playlist = _spotify.RemovePlaylistTracks("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", new List() { new DeleteTrackUri("1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1"), new DeleteTrackUri("47xtGU3vht7mXLHqnbaau5") }); //Remove multiple tracks at their specified positions ErrorResponse playlist = _spotify.RemovePlaylistTracks("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", new List() { new DeleteTrackUri("1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1", 2), new DeleteTrackUri("47xtGU3vht7mXLHqnbaau5", 0, 50) }); ``` --- ## RemovePlaylistTrack > Remove one or more tracks from a user’s playlist. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |uri| Spotify URI | `new DeleteTrackUri("1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1")` Returns a `ErrorResponse` which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`) **Usage** ```csharp //Remove all tracks with the specified URI ErrorResponse response = _spotify.RemovePlaylistTrack("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", new DeleteTrackUri("1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1")); //Remove all tracks with the specified URI and the specified positions ErrorResponse response = _spotify.RemovePlaylistTrack("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", new DeleteTrackUri("1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1", 0, 10, 20)); ``` --- ## AddPlaylistTracks > Add one or more tracks to a user’s playlist. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |uris| A list of Spotify track URIs to add | `new List { "1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1" }` |[position]| The position to insert the tracks, a zero-based index | `10` Returns a `ErrorResponse` which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`) **Usage** ```csharp ErrorResponse response = _spotify.AddPlaylistTracks("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", new List { "1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1" }); if(!response.HasError()) Console.WriteLine("Success"); ``` --- ## AddPlaylistTrack > Add one or more tracks to a user’s playlist. **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |uri| A Spotify Track URI | `"1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1"` |position| The position to insert the tracks, a zero-based index | `10` Returns a `ErrorResponse` which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`) **Usage** ```csharp ErrorResponse response = _spotify.AddPlaylistTrack("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", "1ri6UZpjPLmTCswIXZ6Uq1"); if(!response.HasError()) Console.WriteLine("Success"); ``` --- ## ReorderPlaylist > Reorder a track or a group of tracks in a playlist. > More Info: [Reorder-Playlist](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/reorder-playlists-tracks/) **Parameters** |Name|Description|Example| |--------------|-------------------------|-------------------------| |userId| The user's Spotify user ID. | `"1122095781"` |playlistId| The Spotify ID for the playlist. | `"1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2"` |rangeStart| The position of the first track to be reordered. | `2` |insertBefore| The position where the tracks should be inserted. | `0` |[rangeLength]| The amount of tracks to be reordered. Defaults to 1 if not set. | `2` |[snapshotId]| The playlist's snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes. | `` Returns a `Snapshot`-Object which contains the property `String SnapshotId` **Usage** ```csharp Snapshot snapshot = _spotify.ReorderPlaylist("1122095781", "1TtEejT1y4D1WmcOnLfha2", 2, 0, 2); Console.WriteLine("New SnapshotId: " + snapshot.SnapshotId); ``` ---