Version: 5.1.1
GetAlbumTracksGet Spotify catalog information about an album's tracks. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of tracks returned.
Name | Description | Example |
id | The Spotify ID for the album. | "5O7V8l4SeXTymVp3IesT9C" |
[limit] | The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50. | 20 |
[offset] | The index of the first track to return. Default: 0 (the first object). | 0 |
[market] | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter if you want to apply Track Relinking. | "DE" |
Returns a SimpleTrack wrapped inside a Paging-object
GetAlbumGet Spotify catalog information for a single album.
Name | Description | Example |
id | The Spotify ID for the album. | 5O7V8l4SeXTymVp3IesT9C |
[market] | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter if you want to apply Track Relinking. | "DE" |
Returns a FullAlbum
GetSeveralAlbumsGet Spotify catalog information for multiple albums identified by their Spotify IDs.
Name | Description | Example |
ids | A list of the Spotify IDs for the albums. Maximum: 20 IDs. | new List<String>() { "5O7V8l4SeXTymVp3IesT9C" } |
[market] | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter if you want to apply Track Relinking. | "DE" |
Returns a SeveralAlbums
which Property "Albums" contains a list of FullAlbum