SpotifyAPI-NET ============== An API for the Spotify-Client, written in .NET Look at the example provided in the Repo Following 3 files will be needed for all features: + SpotifyAPI.dll + Newtonsoft.Json.dll (Will be merged into SpotifyAPI.dll in the official Releases using ILMerge) + nircmd.dll (Used to Mute & UnMute Spotify) Screenshot of the Example: ![alt text]( "Example Screen") Usage: ============== ### SpotifyAPI #####Boolean Connect() > Connects the SpotifyAPI to the Spotify Client (Needs to be called before making calls, Spotify has to run) > Returns true if it was successful #####void Update() > Updates Information about Tracks etc. #####void RunSpotify() > Runs Spotify (Client has to run for API Calls) #####void RunSpotifyWebHelper() > Runs SpotifyWebHelper (Client has to run for API Calls) #####static Boolean IsSpotifyRunning() > Returns true, if Spotify is running #####static Boolean IsSpotifyWebHelperRunning() > Returns true, if SpotifyWebHelper is running #####static Boolean IsValidSpotifyURL(String SpotifyURL) > Returns true, if the provided Spotify URL is working (Not working yet) #####[SpotifyMusicHandler]( GetMusicHandler() > Returns the MusicHandler #####[SpotifyEventHandler]( GetEventHandler() > Returns the EventHandler ### SpotifyMusicHandler #####void Play() > Play "button" #####void Pause() > Pause "button" #####void Skip() > Skip Track #####void Previous() > Previous Track #####void PlayURL(String SpotifyURI) > Plays the provided URI #####double GetVolume() > Returns the current volume (0.00 - 1.00) #####Boolean IsAdRunning() > Returns true, if an AD is running #####double GetTrackPostion() > Returns the current position of the Track #####void Mute() > Mutes Spotify (Requires nircmd.dll) #####void UnMute() > Unmutes Spotify (Requires nircmd.dll #####Boolean IsPlaying() > Returns true, if Spotify is playing atm #####[Track]( GetCurrentTrack() > Returns the current Track #####StatusResponse GetStatusResponse() > Returns the StatusResponse, which contains all Information gathered by the Call (Should not be used at all) ### SpotifyEventHandler #####Event OnTrackChange > Triggered, when the Track gets changed #####Event OnPlayStateChange > Triggered, when Spotify's Play/Pause-State changes #####Event OnVolumeChange > Triggered, when the volume gets changed #####Event TrackTimeChangeEventHandler > Triggered, when the current trackposition changes #####void ListenForEvents(Boolean listen) > Should it listen for events? #####void SetSynchronizingObject(ISynchronizeInvoke obj) > Sets the synced object, so no Invoke is required (Events doesnt get called from the Main-Thread) ### Track #####String GetTrackName() > Returns Track-name #####String GetArtistName() > Returns Artist-name #####String GetAlbumName() > Returns Album-name #####int GetLength() > Returns the Track lenght #####String GetAlbumURI() > Returns the URI for the album #####String GetTrackURI() > Returns the URI for the Track #####String GetArtistURI() > Returns the URI for the Artist #####String GetAlbumArtURL(AlbumArtSize size) > Returns the URL of the Albumart based on the choosen size #####Bitmap GetAlbumArt(AlbumArtSize size) > Returns a Bitmap of the Albumart based on the choosen size #####Bitmap GetAlbumArtAsync(AlbumArtSize size) > Returns a Bitmap of the Albumart based on the choosen size asynchronously