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Version: 6.X

Getting Started

Adding SpotifyAPI-NET to your project#

The library can be added to your project via the following methods:

Package Managers#

dotnet add package SpotifyAPI.Web
# Optional Auth module, which includes an embedded HTTP Server for OAuth2
dotnet add package SpotifyAPI.Web.Auth

Add DLL Manually#

You can also grab the latest compiled DLL from our GitHub Releases Page. It can be added to your project via Visual Studio or directly in your .csproj:

<Reference Include="SpotifyAPI.Web">

Compile Yourself#

git clone
cd SpotifyAPI-NET
dotnet restore
dotnet build
ls -la SpotifyAPI.Web/bin/Debug/netstandard2.1/SpotifyAPI.Web.dll

First API Calls#

You're now ready to issue your first calls to the Spotify API, a small console example:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SpotifyAPI.Web;
class Program
static async Task Main()
var spotify = new SpotifyClient("YourAccessToken");
var track = await spotify.Tracks.Get("1s6ux0lNiTziSrd7iUAADH");

Notice that the spotify api does not allow unauthorized API access. Wondering where you should get an access token from? For a quick test, head over to the Spotify Developer Console and generate an access token with the required scopes! For a permanent solution, head over to the authentication guides.

There is no online documentation for every available API call, but XML inline docs are available:

All calls have the Spotify Web API documentation reference attached as a remark.

Query/Body Parameters#

If an API endpoint has query or body parameters, a request model can be supplied to the method

// No optional or required query/body parameters
// The track ID is part of the request path --> it's not treated as query/body parameter
var track = await spotify.Tracks.Get("1s6ux0lNiTziSrd7iUAADH");
// Optional query/body parameter
var track = await spotify.Tracks.Get("1s6ux0lNiTziSrd7iUAADH", new TrackRequest{
Market = "DE"
// Sometimes, query/body parameters are also required!
var tracks = await spotify.Tracks.GetSeveral(new TracksRequest(new List<string> {

If a query/body parameter is required, it has to be supplied in the constructor of the request model. In the background, empty/null checks are also performed to make sure required parameters are not empty/null. If it is optional, it can be supplied as a property to the request model.


All other relevant topics are covered in the "Guides" and Authentication Guides section in the sidebar!

Last updated on by Hashim Qureshi