using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using SpotifyAPI.SpotifyWebAPI;
using SpotifyAPI.SpotifyWebAPI.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
namespace SpotifyAPI.SpotifyWebAPI
public class SpotifyWebAPIClass : IDisposable
public String TokenType { get; set; }
public String AccessToken { get; set; }
/// Set to false, if you want anonymous calls without auth
public Boolean UseAuth { get; set; }
WebClient webclient;
JsonSerializerSettings settings;
public SpotifyWebAPIClass()
UseAuth = true;
webclient = new WebClient();
webclient.Proxy = null;
settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All };
#region User
public PrivateProfile GetPrivateProfile()
return DownloadData("");
public PublicProfile GetPublicProfile(String userId = "")
if (userId.Length == 0)
return DownloadData("");
return DownloadData("" + userId);
public ErrorResponse Follow(FollowType followType, List ids)
JObject ob = new JObject();
ob.Add("ids", new JArray(ids.ToArray()));
return UploadData("" + followType.GetStringAttribute(""), ob.ToString(Formatting.None), "PUT");
public ErrorResponse Unfollow(FollowType followType, List ids)
JObject ob = new JObject();
ob.Add("ids", new JArray(ids.ToArray()));
return UploadData("" + followType.GetStringAttribute(""), ob.ToString(Formatting.None), "DELETE");
public ListResponse IsFollowing(FollowType followType, List ids)
JToken res = DownloadData("" + followType.GetStringAttribute("") + "&ids=" + string.Join(",", ids));
if (res is JArray)
return new ListResponse { List = res.ToObject>(), ErrorResponse = null };
return new ListResponse { List = null, ErrorResponse = res.ToObject() };
#region User-Library
public ErrorResponse SaveTracks(List ids)
JArray array = new JArray(ids.ToArray());
return UploadData("", array.ToString(Formatting.None), "PUT");
public Paging GetSavedTracks(String market = "")
if(market == "")
return DownloadData>("");
return DownloadData>("" + market);
public ErrorResponse RemoveSavedTracks(List ids)
JArray array = new JArray(ids.ToArray());
return UploadData("", array.ToString(Formatting.None), "DELETE");
public ListResponse CheckSavedTracks(List ids)
String resp = DownloadString("" + string.Join(",", ids));
JToken res = JToken.Parse(resp);
if (res is JArray)
return new ListResponse { List = res.ToObject>(), ErrorResponse = null };
return new ListResponse { List = null, ErrorResponse = res.ToObject() };
#region Playlist
public Paging GetUserPlaylists(String userId)
return DownloadData>("" + userId + "/playlists");
public FullPlaylist GetPlaylist(String userId, String playlistId)
return DownloadData("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId);
public Paging GetPlaylistTracks(String userId, String playlistId, String market = "")
if(market == "")
return DownloadData>("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/tracks");
return DownloadData>("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/tracks?market=" + market);
public FullPlaylist CreatePlaylist(String userId, String playlistName, Boolean isPublic = true)
CreatePlaylistArgs args = new CreatePlaylistArgs()
Name = playlistName,
Public = isPublic
return UploadData("" + userId + "/playlists", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(args));
public ErrorResponse UpdatePlaylist(String userId, String playlistId, String newName = null, Boolean? newPublic = null)
JObject ob = new JObject();
if (newName != null)
ob.Add("name", newName);
if (newPublic != null)
ob.Add("public", newPublic);
return UploadData("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId, ob.ToString(Formatting.None), "PUT");
public ErrorResponse ReplacePlaylistTracks(String userId, String playlistId, List uris)
JObject ob = new JObject();
ob.Add("uris", new JArray(uris));
return UploadData("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/tracks", ob.ToString(Formatting.None), "PUT");
public ErrorResponse DeletePlaylistTracks(String userId, String playlistId, List args)
JObject ob = new JObject();
ob.Add("tracks", JArray.FromObject(args));
return UploadData("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/tracks", ob.ToString(Formatting.None), "DELETE");
public ErrorResponse AddTracks(String userId, String playlistId, List uris, int position = int.MaxValue)
if (position == int.MaxValue)
return UploadData("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/tracks", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(uris));
String tracks = string.Join(",", uris);
return UploadData("" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/tracks?position=" + position
+ "&ids=" + tracks
, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(uris));
public Snapshot ReorderPlaylist(String userId, String playlistId, int rangeStart, int rangeLength,
int insertBefore, String snapshotId = "")
JObject ob = new JObject();
ob.Add("range_start", rangeStart);
ob.Add("range_length", rangeLength);
ob.Add("insert_before", insertBefore);
if(snapshotId != "")
ob.Add("snapshot_id", snapshotId);
"" + userId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/tracks",
ob.ToString(Formatting.None), "PUT");
public FeaturedPlaylists GetFeaturedPlaylists(String locale = "", String country = "", DateTime timestamp = default(DateTime), int limit = 20, int offset = 0)
limit = Math.Max(50, limit);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");
builder.Append("?limit=" + limit);
builder.Append("&offset=" + offset);
if(locale != "")
builder.Append("&locale=" + locale);
if(country != "")
builder.Append("&country=" + country);
if (timestamp != default(DateTime))
builder.Append("×tamp=" + timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"));
return DownloadData(builder.ToString());
public ErrorResponse FollowPlaylist(String ownerId, String playlistId, bool showPublic)
JObject ob = new JObject();
ob.Add("public", showPublic);
return UploadData("" + ownerId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/followers", ob.ToString(Formatting.None), "PUT");
public ErrorResponse UnfollowPlaylist(String ownerId, String playlistId)
return UploadData("" + ownerId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/followers", "", "DELETE");
public ListResponse IsFollowingPlaylist(String ownerId, String playlistId, List ids)
JToken res = DownloadData("" + ownerId + "/playlists/" + playlistId + "/followers/contains?ids=" + string.Join(",", ids));
if (res is JArray)
return new ListResponse() { List = res.ToObject>(), ErrorResponse = null };
return new ListResponse() { List = null, ErrorResponse = res.ToObject() };
#region Search and Fetch
public NewAlbumReleases GetNewAlbumReleases(String country = "", int limit = 50, int offset = 0)
limit = Math.Max(50, limit);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");
builder.Append("?limit=" + limit);
builder.Append("&offset=" + offset);
if (country != "")
builder.Append("&country=" + country);
return DownloadData(builder.ToString());
public SearchItem SearchItems(String q, SearchType type, int limit = 20, int offset = 0)
limit = Math.Min(50, limit);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");
builder.Append("?q=" + q);
builder.Append("&type=" + type.GetStringAttribute(","));
builder.Append("&limit=" + limit);
builder.Append("&offset=" + offset);
return DownloadData(builder.ToString());
public SeveralTracks GetSeveralTracks(List ids, String market = "")
if(market == "")
return DownloadData("" + string.Join(",", ids));
return DownloadData("" + market + "&ids=" + string.Join(",", ids));
public SeveralAlbums GetSeveralAlbums(List ids, String market = "")
if(market == "")
return DownloadData("" + string.Join(",", ids));
return DownloadData("" + market + "&ids=" + string.Join(",", ids));
public SeveralArtists GetSeveralArtists(List ids)
return DownloadData("" + string.Join(",", ids));
public FullTrack GetTrack(String id, String market = "")
if(market == "")
return DownloadData("" + id);
return DownloadData("" + id + "?market=" + market);
public SeveralArtists GetRelatedArtists(String id)
return DownloadData("" + id + "/related-artists");
public SeveralTracks GetArtistsTopTracks(String id, String country)
return DownloadData("" + id + "/top-tracks?country=" + country);
public Paging GetArtistsAlbums(String id, AlbumType type = AlbumType.ALL, String market = "", int limit = 20, int offset = 0)
limit = Math.Min(50, limit);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("" + id + "/albums");
builder.Append("?type=" + type.GetStringAttribute(","));
builder.Append("&limit=" + limit);
builder.Append("&offset=" + offset);
if (market != "")
builder.Append("&market=" + market);
return DownloadData>(builder.ToString());
public FullArtist GetArtist(String id)
return DownloadData("" + id);
public Paging GetAlbumTracks(String id, String market, int limit = 20, int offset = 0)
limit = Math.Min(50, limit);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("" + id + "/tracks");
builder.Append("?limit=" + limit);
builder.Append("&offset=" + offset);
if (market != "")
builder.Append("&market=" + market);
return DownloadData>(builder.ToString());
public FullAlbum GetAlbum(String id, String market = "")
if(market == "")
return DownloadData("" + id);
return DownloadData("" + id + "?market=" + market);
#region Category
public CategoryList GetCategories(String country = "", String locale = "", int limit = 20, int offset = 0)
limit = Math.Min(50, limit);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");
builder.Append("?limit=" + limit);
builder.Append("&offset=" + offset);
if (country != "")
builder.Append("&country=" + country);
if (locale != "")
builder.Append("&locale=" + locale);
return DownloadData(builder.ToString());
public Category GetCategory(String categoryId, String country = "", String locale = "")
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("" + categoryId);
if(country != "")
builder.Append("?country=" + country);
if(locale != "")
if (country != "")
builder.Append("&locale=" + locale);
builder.Append("?locale=" + locale);
return DownloadData(builder.ToString());
public CategoryPlaylist GetCategoryPlaylists(String categoryId, String country = "", int limit = 20, int offset = 0)
limit = Math.Min(50, limit);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("" + categoryId + "/playlists");
builder.Append("?limit=" + limit);
builder.Append("&offset=" + offset);
if (country != "")
builder.Append("&country=" + country);
return DownloadData(builder.ToString());
#region Util
public T UploadData(String url, String uploadData, String method = "POST")
if (!UseAuth)
throw new Exception("UseAuth required for 'UploadData'");
webclient.Headers.Set("Authorization", TokenType + " " + AccessToken);
webclient.Headers.Set("Content-Type", "application/json");
String response = "";
byte[] data = webclient.UploadData(url, method, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uploadData));
response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
catch (WebException e)
response = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response, settings);
public T DownloadData(String url)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(DownloadString(url), settings);
public String DownloadString(String url)
if (UseAuth)
webclient.Headers.Set("Authorization", TokenType + " " + AccessToken);
else if (!UseAuth && webclient.Headers["Authorization"] != null)
String response = "";
byte[] data = webclient.DownloadData(url);
response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
catch (WebException e)
response = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
return response;
public void Dispose()