import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Layout from '@theme/Layout'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock' import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs' import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem' import Link from '@docusaurus/Link'; import useDocusaurusContext from '@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext'; import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; import styles from './styles.module.css'; import GitHubButton from 'react-github-btn' const exampleCode = `var spotify = new SpotifyClient("YourAccessToken"); var me = await spotify.UserProfile.Current(); Console.WriteLine($"Hello there {me.DisplayName}"); await foreach(var playlist in spotify.Paginate( () => spotify.Playlists.CurrentUsers() )) { Console.WriteLine(playlist.Name); }`; const installCodeNuget = `# Core Package Install-Package SpotifyAPI.Web `; const installCodeCLI = `# Core Package dotnet add package SpotifyAPI.Web `; const features = [ { title: <>Sane Defaults - Easy To Configure, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_preferences_uuo2.svg', description: () => ( <> SpotifyAPI-NET allows you to quickly integrate with Spotify's Web API by supplying sane configuration defaults from the start. Later on, behaviour can be customized easily with the help of interfaces. ), }, { title: <>All API Calls Integrated, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_project_completed_w0oq.svg', description: () => ( <> The Spotify Web API consists of over 74 API calls. SpotifyAPI-NET provides fully typed requests/responses for all of them. ), }, { title: <>.NET Standard 2.X, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_Devices_e67q.svg', description: () => ( <> With the support of .NET Standard 2.X, SpotifyAPI-NET can run on many platforms, including .NET Core, UWP and Xamarin.Forms (Windows, Android, iOS and Mac) ), }, { title: <>Testable, imageUrl: 'img/undraw_QA_engineers_dg5p.svg', description: () => ( <> SpotifyAPI-NET is built on a modular structure, which allows easy testing through mocks and stubs. Learn more by visiting the Testing Guide ), }, ]; function Feature({ imageUrl, title, description }) { const imgUrl = useBaseUrl(imageUrl); return (
{imgUrl && (



); } function Home() { const context = useDocusaurusContext(); const { siteConfig = {} } = context; return (

{siteConfig.title} Star


Get Started
{features && features.length && (
{, idx) => ( ))}

Try it out now

{installCodeCLI} {installCodeNuget}
); } export default Home;