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Client Credentials

The Client Credentials flow is used in server-to-server authentication. Only endpoints that do not access user information can be accessed.

By supplying your SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET, you get an access token.

Request token once

To request an access token, build a ClientCredentialsRequest and send it via OAuthClient. This access token will expire after some time and you need to repeat the process.

public static async Task Main()
var config = SpotifyClientConfig.CreateDefault();
var request = new ClientCredentialsRequest("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET");
var response = await new OAuthClient(config).RequestToken(request);
var spotify = new SpotifyClient(config.WithToken(response.AccessToken));

Request Token On-Demand

You can also use CredentialsAuthenticator, which will make sure the spotify instance will always have an up-to-date access token by automatically refreshing the token on-demand.

public static async Task Main()
var config = SpotifyClientConfig
.WithAuthenticator(new CredentialsAuthenticator("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET"));
var spotify = new SpotifyClient(config);

There is no thread safety guaranteed when using CredentialsAuthenticator.

Last updated on by Ilya Burakov