**Spotify's Web API** ([link](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/))
> Based on simple REST principles, our Web API endpoints return metadata in JSON format about artists, albums, and tracks directly from the Spotify catalogue.
> The API also provides access to user-related data such as playlists and music saved in a “Your Music” library, subject to user’s authorization.
> A wrapper around Spotify's Web API, providing sync and async methods to query all possible endpoints. Results are returned as typed class instances, allowing property-based access.
> A library providing C# implementations of the 3 supported Authentication modes, including `ImplicitGrantAuth`, `AuthorizationCodeAuth` and `CredentialsAuth`
More Information, Installation-Instructions, Examples and API-Reference can be found at [github.io/SpotifyAPI-Net/](http://johnnycrazy.github.io/SpotifyAPI-NET/)