|followType| The ID type: either artist or user. | `FollowType.Artist`
|ids or id| A list of the artist or the user Spotify IDs or just a Spotify ID | `new List<String> { "1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY" }` or `"1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY"`
Returns a **ErrorResponse** which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`)
|followType| The ID type: either artist or user. | `FollowType.Artist`
|ids or id| A list of the artist or the user Spotify IDs or just a Spotify ID | `new List<String> { "1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY" }` or `"1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY"`
Returns a **ErrorResponse** which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`)
|followType| The ID type: either artist or user. | `FollowType.Artist`
|ids or id| A list of the artist or the user Spotify IDs or just a Spotify ID | `new List<String> { "1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY" }` or `"1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY"`
Returns a **ListResponse<Boolean>** which contains the property `List<Boolean> List`
|ownerId| The Spotify user ID of the person who owns the playlist. | `"maxloermans"`
|playlistId| The Spotify ID of the playlist. Any playlist can be followed, regardless of its public/private status, as long as you know its playlist ID. | `"3SIp2VAsKI03mReF0dFBmI"`
|[showPublic]| If true the playlist will be included in user's public playlists, if false it will remain private. | `true`
Returns a **ErrorResponse** which just contains a possible error. (`response.HasError()` and `response.Error`)
|ownerId| The Spotify user ID of the person who owns the playlist. | `"maxloermans"`
|playlistId| The Spotify ID of the playlist. | `"3SIp2VAsKI03mReF0dFBmI"`
|ids or id| A list of the artist or the user Spotify IDs or just a Spotify ID | `new List<String> { "1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY" }` or `"1KpCi9BOfviCVhmpI4G2sY"`
Returns a **ListResponse<Boolean>** which contains the property `List<Boolean> List`