2019-08-16 23:40:04 +01:00
2020-05-13 17:25:42 +01:00
id: getting_started
title: Getting Started
sidebar_label: Getting Started
2019-08-16 23:40:04 +01:00
This API provides full access to the new SpotifyWebAPI introduced [here ](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/ ).
With it, you can search for Tracks/Albums/Artists and also get User-based information.
It's also possible to create new playlists and add tracks to it.
## First steps
### Imports
So after you added the API to your project, you may want to add following imports to your files:
using SpotifyAPI.Web; //Base Namespace
using SpotifyAPI.Web.Enums; //Enums
using SpotifyAPI.Web.Models; //Models for the JSON-responses
### Basic-Usage
Now you can actually start doing calls to the SpotifyAPI, just create a new Instance of SpotifyWebAPI:
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private static SpotifyWebAPI _spotify;
public static void Main(String[] args)
_spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI()
AccessToken = "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
TokenType = "Bearer"
FullTrack track = _spotify.GetTrack("3Hvu1pq89D4R0lyPBoujSv");
Console.WriteLine(track.Name); //Yeay! We just printed a tracks name.
You may note that we used `AccessToken` and `TokenType` . Spotify does not allow un-authorized access to their API. You will need to implement one of the auth flows. Luckily, `SpotifyAPI.Web.Auth` exists for this reason. A simple way to receive a `AccessToken` is via `CredentialAuth` :
CredentialsAuth auth = new CredentialsAuth("YourClientID", "YourClientSecret");
Token token = await auth.GetToken();
_spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI()
AccessToken = token.AccessToken,
TokenType = token.TokenType
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For more info, visit the [Getting Started of SpotifyAPI.Web.Auth ](auth/getting_started.md )
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## Error-Handling
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Every API-Call returns a reponse-model which consists of base-error model. To check if a specific API-Call was successful, use the following approach:
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PrivateProfile profile = _spotify.GetPrivateProfile();
if (profile.HasError())
Console.WriteLine("Error Status: " + profile.Error.Status);
Console.WriteLine("Error Msg: " + profile.Error.Message);
In case some or all of the returned values are null, consult error status and message, they can lead to an explanation!
## Sync vs Asynchronous
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Every API-Call has an `asynchronous` and `synchronous` method.
public async void Test()
var asyncProfile = await _spotify.GetPrivateProfileAsync();
var syncProfile = _spotify.GetPrivateProfile();
Note that the `synchronous` call will block the current Thread!
## API-Reference
### Albums
2021-04-08 20:44:10 +01:00
- [GetAlbumTracks ](/web/albums.md#getalbumtracks )
- [GetAlbum ](/web/albums.md#getalbum )
- [GetSeveralAlbums ](/web/albums.md#getseveralalbums )
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### Artists
2021-04-08 20:44:10 +01:00
- [GetArtist ](/web/artists.md#getartist )
- [GetRelatedArtists ](/web/artists.md#getrelatedartists )
- [GetArtistsTopTracks ](/web/artists.md#getartiststoptracks )
- [GetArtistsAlbums ](/web/artists.md#getartistsalbums )
- [GetSeveralArtists ](/web/artists.md#getseveralartists )
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### Browse
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- [GetFeaturedPlaylists ](/web/browse.md#getfeaturedplaylists )
- [GetNewAlbumReleases ](/web/browse.md#getnewalbumreleases )
- [GetCategories ](/web/browse.md#getcategories )
- [GetCategory ](/web/browse.md#getcategory )
- [GetCategoryPlaylists ](/web/browse.md#getcategoryplaylists )
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### Follow
2021-04-08 20:44:10 +01:00
- [Follow ](/web/follow.md#follow )
- [Unfollow ](/web/follow.md#unfollow )
- [IsFollowing ](/web/follow.md#isfollowing )
- [FollowPlaylist ](/web/follow.md#followplaylist )
- [UnfollowPlaylist ](/web/follow.md#unfollowplaylist )
- [IsFollowingPlaylist ](/web/follow.md#isfollowingplaylist )
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### Library
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- [SaveTracks ](/web/library.md#savetracks )
- [SaveTrack ](/web/library.md#savetrack )
- [GetSavedTracks ](/web/library.md#getsavedtracks )
- [RemoveSavedTracks ](/web/library.md#removesavedtracks )
- [CheckSavedTracks ](/web/library.md#checksavedtracks )
- [SaveAlbums ](/web/library.md#savealbums )
- [SaveAlbum ](/web/library.md#savealbum )
- [GetSavedAlbums ](/web/library.md#getsavedalbums )
- [RemoveSavedAlbums ](/web/library.md#removesavedalbums )
- [CheckSavedAlbums ](/web/library.md#checksavedalbums )
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### Personalization
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- [GetUsersTopTracks ](/web/personalization.md#getuserstoptracks )
- [GetUsersTopArtists ](/web/personalization.md#getuserstopartists )
- [GetUsersRecentlyPlayedTracks ](/web/personalization.md#getusersrecentlyplayedtracks )
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### Player
2021-04-08 20:44:10 +01:00
- [GetDevices ](/web/player.md#getdevices )
- [GetPlayback ](/web/player.md#getplayback )
- [GetPlayingTrack ](/web/player.md#getplayingtrack )
- [TransferPlayback ](/web/player.md#transferplayback )
- [ResumePlayback ](/web/player.md#resumeplayback )
- [PausePlayback ](/web/player.md#pauseplayback )
- [SkipPlaybackToNext ](/web/player.md#skipplaybacktonext )
- [SkipPlaybackToPrevious ](/web/player.md#skipplaybacktoprevious )
- [SetRepeatMode ](/web/player.md#setrepeatmode )
- [SetVolume ](/web/player.md#setvolume )
- [SetShuffle ](/web/player.md#setshuffle )
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### Playlists
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- [GetUserPlaylists ](/web/playlists.md#getuserplaylists )
- [GetPlaylist ](/web/playlists.md#getplaylist )
- [GetPlaylistTracks ](/web/playlists.md#getplaylisttracks )
- [CreatePlaylist ](/web/playlists.md#createplaylist )
- [UpdatePlaylist ](/web/playlists.md#updateplaylist )
- [ReplacePlaylistTracks ](/web/playlists.md#replaceplaylisttracks )
- [RemovePlaylistTracks ](/web/playlists.md#removeplaylisttracks )
- [RemovePlaylistTrack ](/web/playlists.md#removeplaylisttrack )
- [AddPlaylistTracks ](/web/playlists.md#addplaylisttracks )
- [AddPlaylistTrack ](/web/playlists.md#addplaylisttrack )
- [ReorderPlaylist ](/web/playlists.md#reorderplaylist )
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### Profiles
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- [GetPublicProfile ](/web/profiles.md#getpublicprofile )
- [GetPrivateProfile ](/web/profiles.md#getprivateprofile )
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### Search
2021-04-08 20:44:10 +01:00
- [SearchItems ](/web/search.md#searchitems )
- [SearchItemsEscaped ](/web/search.md#searchitemsescaped )
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### Tracks
2021-04-08 20:44:10 +01:00
- [GetSeveralTracks ](/web/tracks.md#getseveraltracks )
- [GetTrack ](/web/tracks.md#gettrack )
- [GetAudioAnalysis ](/web/tracks.md#getaudioanalysis )
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### Util
2021-04-08 20:44:10 +01:00
- [Utility-Functions ](/web/utilities.md )