using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions; using Selector.Model; using Selector.Operations; using SpotifyAPI.Web; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Selector { public class ScrobbleMapperConfig { public TimeSpan InterRequestDelay { get; set; } public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; } = new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0); public int SimultaneousConnections { get; set; } = 3; public int? Limit { get; set; } = null; public bool Tracks { get; set; } = false; public bool Albums { get; set; } = false; public bool Artists { get; set; } = false; } public class ScrobbleMapper { private readonly ILogger logger; private readonly ILoggerFactory loggerFactory; private readonly ISearchClient searchClient; private readonly ScrobbleMapperConfig config; private readonly IScrobbleRepository scrobbleRepo; private readonly IScrobbleMappingRepository mappingRepo; public ScrobbleMapper(ISearchClient _searchClient, ScrobbleMapperConfig _config, IScrobbleRepository _scrobbleRepository, IScrobbleMappingRepository _scrobbleMappingRepository, ILogger _logger, ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory = null) { searchClient = _searchClient; config = _config; scrobbleRepo = _scrobbleRepository; mappingRepo = _scrobbleMappingRepository; logger = _logger; loggerFactory = _loggerFactory; } public async Task Execute(CancellationToken token) { if (config.Artists) { await MapArtists(token); } if (config.Albums) { await MapAlbums(token); } if (config.Tracks) { await MapTracks(token); } await mappingRepo.Save(); } private async Task MapArtists(CancellationToken token) { logger.LogInformation("Mapping scrobble artists"); var currentArtists = mappingRepo.GetArtists(); var scrobbleArtists = scrobbleRepo.GetAll() .GroupBy(x => x.ArtistName) .Select(x => (x.Key, x.Count())) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Item2) .Select(x => x.Key); var artistsToPull = scrobbleArtists .ExceptBy(currentArtists.Select(a => a.LastfmArtistName), a => a); if (config.Limit is not null) { artistsToPull = artistsToPull.Take(config.Limit.Value); } var requests = artistsToPull.Select(a => new ScrobbleArtistMapping( searchClient, loggerFactory.CreateLogger() ?? NullLogger.Instance, a) ).ToArray(); logger.LogInformation("Found {} artists to map, starting", requests.Length); var batchRequest = new BatchingOperation( config.InterRequestDelay, config.Timeout, config.SimultaneousConnections, requests ); await batchRequest.TriggerRequests(token); logger.LogInformation("Finished mapping artists"); var newArtists = batchRequest.DoneRequests .Select(a => a.Result) .Cast() .Where(a => a is not null); var newMappings = newArtists.Select(a => new ArtistLastfmSpotifyMapping() { LastfmArtistName = a.Name, SpotifyUri = a.Uri }); mappingRepo.AddRange(newMappings); } private async Task MapAlbums(CancellationToken token) { logger.LogInformation("Mapping scrobble albums"); var currentAlbums = mappingRepo.GetAlbums(); var scrobbleAlbums = scrobbleRepo.GetAll() .GroupBy(x => (x.ArtistName, x.AlbumName)) .Select(x => (x.Key, x.Count())) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Item2) .Select(x => x.Key); var albumsToPull = scrobbleAlbums .ExceptBy(currentAlbums.Select(a => (a.LastfmArtistName, a.LastfmAlbumName)), a => a); if (config.Limit is not null) { albumsToPull = albumsToPull.Take(config.Limit.Value); } var requests = albumsToPull.Select(a => new ScrobbleAlbumMapping( searchClient, loggerFactory.CreateLogger() ?? NullLogger.Instance, a.AlbumName, a.ArtistName) ).ToArray(); logger.LogInformation("Found {} albums to map, starting", requests.Length); var batchRequest = new BatchingOperation( config.InterRequestDelay, config.Timeout, config.SimultaneousConnections, requests ); await batchRequest.TriggerRequests(token); logger.LogInformation("Finished mapping albums"); var newArtists = batchRequest.DoneRequests .Select(a => a.Result) .Cast() .Where(a => a is not null); var newMappings = newArtists.Select(a => new AlbumLastfmSpotifyMapping() { LastfmAlbumName = a.Name, LastfmArtistName = a.Artists.FirstOrDefault()?.Name, SpotifyUri = a.Uri }); mappingRepo.AddRange(newMappings); } private async Task MapTracks(CancellationToken token) { logger.LogInformation("Mapping scrobble tracks"); var currentTracks = mappingRepo.GetTracks(); var scrobbleTracks = scrobbleRepo.GetAll() .GroupBy(x => (x.ArtistName, x.TrackName)) .Select(x => (x.Key, x.Count())) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Item2) .Select(x => x.Key); if (config.Limit is not null) { scrobbleTracks = scrobbleTracks.Take(config.Limit.Value); } var tracksToPull = scrobbleTracks .ExceptBy(currentTracks.Select(a => (a.LastfmArtistName, a.LastfmTrackName)), a => a); var requests = tracksToPull.Select(a => new ScrobbleTrackMapping( searchClient, loggerFactory.CreateLogger() ?? NullLogger.Instance, a.TrackName, a.ArtistName) ).ToArray(); logger.LogInformation("Found {} tracks to map, starting", requests.Length); var batchRequest = new BatchingOperation( config.InterRequestDelay, config.Timeout, config.SimultaneousConnections, requests ); await batchRequest.TriggerRequests(token); logger.LogInformation("Finished mapping tracks"); var newArtists = batchRequest.DoneRequests .Select(a => a.Result) .Cast() .Where(a => a is not null); var newMappings = newArtists.Select(a => new TrackLastfmSpotifyMapping() { LastfmTrackName = a.Name, LastfmArtistName = a.Artists.FirstOrDefault()?.Name, SpotifyUri = a.Uri }); mappingRepo.AddRange(newMappings); } } }