
18 lines
627 B

bits 16 ; tell NASM this is 16 bit code
org 0x7c00 ; tell NASM to start outputting stuff at offset 0x7c00
mov si,hello ; point si register to hello label memory location
mov ah,0x0e ; 0x0e means 'Write Character in TTY mode'
or al,al ; is al == 0 ?
jz halt ; if (al == 0) jump to halt label
int 0x10 ; runs BIOS interrupt 0x10 - Video Services
jmp .loop
cli ; clear interrupt flag
hlt ; halt execution
hello: db "Hello world!",0
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0 ; pad remaining 510 bytes with zeroes
dw 0xaa55 ; magic bootloader magic - marks this 512 byte sector bootable!