@using Overflow.SouthernWater
@rendermode RenderMode.InteractiveAuto
@inject DialogService DialogService
@if (Job == null)
@code {
RadzenScheduler scheduler;
[Parameter] public SouthernWaterApiJob? Job { get; set; }
[Parameter] public bool GenuineOnly { get; set; } = true;
private IEnumerable Spills {
if (GenuineOnly)
return Job.Spills.Where(j => j.status == "Genuine");
return Job.Spills;
void OnSlotRender(SchedulerSlotRenderEventArgs args)
// // Highlight today in month view
// if (args.View.Text == "Month" && args.Start.Date == DateTime.Today)
// {
// args.Attributes["style"] = "background: rgba(255,220,40,.2);";
// }
// // Highlight working hours (9-18)
// if ((args.View.Text == "Week" || args.View.Text == "Day") && args.Start.Hour > 8 && args.Start.Hour < 19)
// {
// args.Attributes["style"] = "background: rgba(255,220,40,.2);";
// }
async Task OnSlotSelect(SchedulerSlotSelectEventArgs args)
// if (args.View.Text != "Year")
// {
// Spill data = await DialogService.OpenAsync("Add Appointment",
// new Dictionary { { "Start", args.Start }, { "End", args.End } });
// if (data != null)
// {
// appointments.Add(data);
// // Either call the Reload method or reassign the Data property of the Scheduler
// await scheduler.Reload();
// }
// }
async Task OnAppointmentSelect(SchedulerAppointmentSelectEventArgs args)
_ = await DialogService.OpenAsync("View Spill", new Dictionary { { "Spill", args.Data } });
await scheduler.Reload();
void OnAppointmentRender(SchedulerAppointmentRenderEventArgs args)
// Never call StateHasChanged in AppointmentRender - would lead to infinite loop
// if (args.Data.Text == "Birthday")
// {
// args.Attributes["style"] = "background: red";
// }
async Task OnAppointmentMove(SchedulerAppointmentMoveEventArgs args)
// var draggedAppointment = appointments.FirstOrDefault(x => x == args.Appointment.Data);
// if (draggedAppointment != null)
// {
// draggedAppointment.Start = draggedAppointment.Start + args.TimeSpan;
// draggedAppointment.End = draggedAppointment.End + args.TimeSpan;
// await scheduler.Reload();
// }