Andy Pack 314e58551c
Some checks failed
test and deploy / Build & Unit Test (push) Failing after 37s
test and deploy / Package & Push Container (push) Has been skipped
ci tweaking, updating deps
2024-07-20 11:35:49 +01:00

38 lines
780 B

FROM node:22-alpine AS js-build
RUN npm install -g sass
COPY ./package.json /mixonomer/
COPY ./package-lock.json /mixonomer/
COPY ./webpack.common.js /mixonomer/
COPY ./webpack.prod.js /mixonomer/
COPY ./.babelrc /mixonomer/
COPY ./src /mixonomer/src/
WORKDIR /mixonomer
RUN npm ci
RUN npm run build --if-present
RUN sass src/scss/style.scss build/style.css
FROM python:3.11-slim as py
RUN pip install poetry==1.8.3
RUN poetry config virtualenvs.create false
WORKDIR /mixonomer
COPY pyproject.toml .
COPY poetry.lock .
RUN poetry install
RUN poetry add gunicorn@^20
COPY ./music ./music
COPY gunicorn.conf.py gunicorn.conf.py
COPY main.api.py main.py
COPY --from=js-build /mixonomer/build ./build/
#Run the container
ENTRYPOINT [ "poetry", "run", "gunicorn" ]