390 lines
14 KiB
390 lines
14 KiB
from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify
from google.cloud import firestore
from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash
import os
import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from music.api.decorators import login_or_jwt, login_required, \
admin_required, cloud_task, validate_json, validate_args, spotify_link_required, no_locked_users
from music.cloud import queue_run_user_playlist, offload_or_run_user_playlist
from music.cloud.tasks import update_all_user_playlists, update_playlists
from music.tasks.create_playlist import create_playlist
from music.tasks.run_user_playlist import run_user_playlist
from music.model.user import User
from music.model.playlist import Playlist
import music.db.database as database
from spotframework.net.network import SpotifyNetworkException
blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__)
db = firestore.Client()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@blueprint.route('/playlists', methods=['GET'])
def all_playlists_route(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
"""Retrieve all playlists for a given user
user ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
HTTP Response: All playlists for given user
assert user is not None
return jsonify({
'playlists': [i.to_dict() for i in Playlist.collection.parent(user.key).fetch()]
}), 200
@blueprint.route('/playlist', methods=['GET', 'DELETE'])
@validate_args(('name', str))
def playlist_get_delete_route(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
playlist = user.get_playlist(name := request.args['name'], raise_error=False)
if playlist is None:
return jsonify({'error': f'playlist {name} not found'}), 404
if request.method == "GET":
return jsonify(playlist.to_dict()), 200
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
return jsonify({"message": 'playlist deleted', "status": "success"}), 200
@blueprint.route('/playlist', methods=['POST', 'PUT'])
@validate_json(('name', str))
def playlist_post_put_route(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
request_json = request.get_json()
playlist_name = request_json['name']
playlist_references = []
if request_refs := request_json.get('playlist_references', None):
if request_refs != -1:
for i in request_refs:
playlist = user.get_playlist(i, raise_error=False)
if playlist is not None:
return jsonify({"message": f'managed playlist {i} not found', "status": "error"}), 400
if len(playlist_references) == 0 and request_refs != -1:
playlist_references = None
searched_playlist = user.get_playlist(playlist_name, raise_error=False)
if request.method == 'PUT':
if searched_playlist is not None:
return jsonify({'error': 'playlist already exists'}), 400
playlist = Playlist(parent=user.key)
playlist.name = request_json['name']
for key in [i for i in Playlist.mutable_keys if i not in ['playlist_references', 'type']]:
setattr(playlist, key, request_json.get(key, None))
playlist.playlist_references = playlist_references
playlist.last_updated = datetime.utcnow()
playlist.lastfm_stat_last_refresh = datetime.utcnow()
if playlist_type := request_json.get('type'):
playlist_type = playlist_type.strip().lower()
if playlist_type in ['default', 'recents', 'fmchart']:
playlist.type = playlist_type
playlist.type = 'default'
logger.warning(f'invalid type ({playlist_type}), {user.username} / {playlist_name}')
if user.spotify_linked:
new_playlist = create_playlist(user, playlist_name)
playlist.uri = str(new_playlist.uri)
logger.info(f'added {user.username} / {playlist_name}')
return jsonify({"message": 'playlist added', "status": "success"}), 201
elif request.method == 'POST':
if searched_playlist is None:
return jsonify({'error': "playlist doesn't exist"}), 400
for rec_key, rec_item in request_json.items():
# type and parts require extra validation
if rec_key in [k for k in Playlist.mutable_keys if k not in ['type', 'parts', 'playlist_references']]:
setattr(searched_playlist, rec_key, request_json[rec_key])
if request_parts := request_json.get('parts'):
if request_parts == -1:
searched_playlist.parts = []
searched_playlist.parts = request_parts
if request_part_addition := request_json.get('add_part'):
if request_part_addition not in searched_playlist.parts:
searched_playlist.parts = searched_playlist.parts + [request_part_addition]
if request_part_deletion := request_json.get('remove_part'):
if request_part_deletion in searched_playlist.parts:
if playlist_references is not None:
if playlist_references == -1:
searched_playlist.playlist_references = []
searched_playlist.playlist_references = playlist_references
if request_ref_addition := request_json.get('add_ref'):
playlist = user.get_playlist(request_ref_addition, raise_error=False)
if playlist is not None and playlist.id not in [x.id for x in searched_playlist.playlist_references]:
searched_playlist.playlist_references = searched_playlist.playlist_references + [db.document(playlist.key)]
return jsonify({"message": f'managed playlist {request_ref_addition} not found', "status": "error"}), 400
if request_ref_deletion := request_json.get('remove_ref'):
playlist = user.get_playlist(request_ref_deletion, raise_error=False)
if playlist is not None and playlist.id in [x.id for x in searched_playlist.playlist_references]:
searched_playlist.playlist_references = [i for i in searched_playlist.playlist_references if i.id != playlist.id]
return jsonify({"message": f'managed playlist {request_ref_deletion} not found', "status": "error"}), 400
if request_type := request_json.get('type'):
playlist_type = request_type.strip().lower()
if playlist_type in ['default', 'recents', 'fmchart']:
searched_playlist.type = playlist_type
logger.info(f'updated {user.username} / {playlist_name}')
return jsonify({"message": 'playlist updated', "status": "success"}), 200
@blueprint.route('/user', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def user_route(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
assert user is not None
if request.method == 'GET':
return jsonify(user.to_dict()), 200
else: # POST
request_json = request.get_json()
if (username := request_json.get('username')) and username.strip().lower() != user.username:
if user.type != "admin":
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'message': 'unauthorized'}), 401
user = User.collection.filter('username', '==', request_json['username'].strip().lower()).get()
if (locked := request_json.get('locked')) and user.type == "admin":
logger.info(f'updating lock {user.username} / {locked}')
user.locked = locked
if (spotify_linked := request_json.get('spotify_linked')) and not spotify_linked:
logger.info(f'deauthing {user.username}')
user.access_token = None
user.refresh_token = None
user.spotify_linked = False
if 'lastfm_username' in request_json:
logger.info(f'updating lastfm username {user.username} -> {request_json["lastfm_username"]}')
user.lastfm_username = request_json['lastfm_username']
if user.lastfm_username is None:
user.lastfm_username = ""
if apns_token := request_json.get('apns_token'):
if user.apns_tokens is None:
user.apns_tokens = []
if apns_token not in user.apns_tokens:
logger.info(f'adding apns token {user.username} -> {apns_token}')
user.apns_tokens = user.apns_tokens + [apns_token]
logger.info(f'skipping duplicate apns token {user.username} -> {apns_token}')
if notify := request_json.get('notify'):
logger.info(f'updating notification settings for {user.username} -> {notify}')
user.notify = notify
if notify_playlist_updates := request_json.get('notify_playlist_updates'):
logger.info(f'updating playlist update notification settings for {user.username} -> {notify_playlist_updates}')
user.notify_playlist_updates = notify_playlist_updates
if notify_tag_updates := request_json.get('notify_tag_updates'):
logger.info(f'updating playlist update notification settings for {user.username} -> {notify_tag_updates}')
user.notify_tag_updates = notify_tag_updates
if notify_admins := request_json.get('notify_admins'):
logger.info(f'updating admin notification settings for {user.username} -> {notify_admins}')
user.notify_admins = notify_admins
logger.info(f'updated {user.username}')
return jsonify({'message': 'account updated', 'status': 'succeeded'}), 200
@blueprint.route('/user', methods=['DELETE'])
def user_delete_route(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
assert user is not None
if user.type == 'admin' and (username_override := request.args.get('username')) is not None:
user = User.collection.filter('username', '==', username_override.strip().lower()).get()
User.collection.delete(user.key, child=True)
logger.info(f'user {user.username} deleted')
return jsonify({'message': 'account deleted', 'status': 'succeeded'}), 200
@blueprint.route('/users', methods=['GET'])
def all_users_route(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
return jsonify({
'accounts': [i.to_dict() for i in User.collection.fetch()]
}), 200
@blueprint.route('/user/password', methods=['POST'])
@validate_json(('new_password', str), ('current_password', str))
def change_password(user: User = None):
request_json = request.get_json()
if len(new_password := request_json['new_password']) == 0:
return jsonify({"error": 'zero length password'}), 400
if len(new_password) > 30:
return jsonify({"error": 'password too long'}), 400
if user.check_password(request_json['current_password']):
user.password = generate_password_hash(new_password)
logger.info(f'password udpated {user.username}')
return jsonify({"message": 'password changed', "status": "success"}), 200
logger.warning(f"incorrect password {user.username}")
return jsonify({'error': 'wrong password provided'}), 401
@blueprint.route('/playlist/run', methods=['GET'])
@validate_args(('name', str))
def run_playlist(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
if os.environ.get('DEPLOY_DESTINATION', None) == 'PROD':
queue_run_user_playlist(user.username, request.args['name']) # pass to either cloud tasks or functions
run_user_playlist(user, request.args['name']) # update synchronously
return jsonify({'message': 'execution requested', 'status': 'success'}), 200
@blueprint.route('/playlist/run/task', methods=['POST'])
def run_playlist_task(): # receives cloud tasks request for update
payload = request.get_data(as_text=True)
if payload:
payload = json.loads(payload)
logger.info(f'running {payload["username"]} / {payload["name"]}')
offload_or_run_user_playlist(payload['username'], payload['name']) # check whether offloading to cloud function
return jsonify({'message': 'executed playlist', 'status': 'success'}), 200
logger.critical('no payload provided')
@blueprint.route('/playlist/run/user', methods=['GET'])
def run_user(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
if user.type == 'admin':
user_name = request.args.get('username', user.username)
user_name = user.username
return jsonify({'message': 'executed user', 'status': 'success'}), 200
@blueprint.route('/playlist/run/user/task', methods=['POST'])
def run_user_task():
payload = request.get_data(as_text=True)
if payload:
return jsonify({'message': 'executed user', 'status': 'success'}), 200
@blueprint.route('/playlist/run/users', methods=['GET'])
def run_users(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
return jsonify({'message': 'executed all users', 'status': 'success'}), 200
@blueprint.route('/playlist/image', methods=['GET'])
@validate_args(('name', str))
def image(auth: dict = None, user: User = None):
_playlist = user.get_playlist(request.args['name'], raise_error=False)
if _playlist is None:
return jsonify({'error': "playlist not found"}), 404
net = database.get_authed_spotify_network(user)
return jsonify({'images': net.playlist(uri=_playlist.uri).images, 'status': 'success'}), 200
except SpotifyNetworkException as e:
logger.exception(f'error occured during {_playlist.name} / {user.username} playlist retrieval')
return jsonify({'error': f"spotify error occured: {e.http_code}"}), 404