import datetime import logging import random import spotframework.util.monthstrings as monthstrings from spotframework.model.uri import Uri from spotframework.filter import remove_local, get_track_objects from spotframework.filter.added import added_after from spotframework.filter.sort import sort_by_release_date from spotframework.filter.deduplicate import deduplicate_by_name from import SpotifyNetworkException from import Network as SpotNetwork from import Network from spotfm.chart import map_lastfm_track_chart_to_spotify import music.db.database as database from music.db.part_generator import PartGenerator from music.model.user import User from music.model.playlist import Playlist logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def run_user_playlist(user: User, playlist: Playlist, spotnet: SpotNetwork = None, fmnet: Network = None) -> None: """Generate and upadate a user's smart playlist Args: user (User): Subject user playlist (Playlist): User's subject playlist spotnet (SpotNetwork, optional): Spotframework network for Spotify operations. Defaults to None. fmnet (Network, optional): Fmframework network for operations. Defaults to None. Raises: NameError: No user provided NameError: No playlist provided AttributeError: Playlist has no URI NameError: No spotframework network available e: spotframework error when retrieving user playlists Returns: [type]: [description] """ # PRE-RUN CHECKS if isinstance(user, str): username = user user = User.collection.filter('username', '==', username.strip().lower()).get() else: username = user.username if user is None: logger.error(f'user {username} not found') raise NameError(f'User {username} not found') if isinstance(playlist, str): playlist_name = playlist playlist = user.get_playlist(playlist_name) else: playlist_name = if playlist.uri is None: logger.critical(f'no playlist id to populate {username} / {playlist_name}') raise AttributeError(f'No URI for {playlist_name} ({username})') # END CHECKS'running {username} / {playlist_name}') if spotnet is None: spotnet = database.get_authed_spotify_network(user) if spotnet is None: logger.error(f'no spotify network returned for {username} / {playlist_name}') raise NameError(f'No Spotify network returned ({username} / {playlist_name})') try: if not playlist.include_spotify_owned: user_playlists = [(, i.uri) for i in spotnet.playlists() if 'spotify' not in i.owner.display_name.lower()] else: user_playlists = [(, i.uri) for i in spotnet.playlists()] except SpotifyNetworkException as e: logger.exception(f'error occured while retrieving playlists {username} / {playlist_name}') raise e part_generator = PartGenerator(user=user) part_names = part_generator.get_recursive_parts( playlist_tracks = [] if playlist.add_last_month: part_names.append(monthstrings.get_last_month()) if playlist.add_this_month: part_names.append(monthstrings.get_this_month()) # LOAD PLAYLIST TRACKS for part_name in part_names: try: # attempt to cast to uri uri = Uri(part_name) log_name = uri except ValueError: # is a playlist name part_playlist = next((i for i in user_playlists if i[0] == part_name), None) if part_playlist is None: logger.warning(f'playlist {part_name} not found {username} / {playlist_name}') continue uri = part_playlist[1] log_name = part_playlist[0] try: _tracks = spotnet.playlist_tracks(uri=uri, reduced_mem=True) if _tracks and len(_tracks) > 0: playlist_tracks += _tracks else: logger.warning(f'no tracks returned for {log_name} {username} / {playlist_name}') except SpotifyNetworkException: logger.exception(f'error occured while retrieving {log_name} {username} / {playlist_name}') playlist_tracks = list(remove_local(playlist_tracks)) # LIBRARY if playlist.include_library_tracks: try: library_tracks = spotnet.saved_tracks() if library_tracks and len(library_tracks) > 0: playlist_tracks += library_tracks else: logger.error(f'error getting library tracks {username} / {playlist_name}') except SpotifyNetworkException: logger.exception(f'error occured while retrieving library tracks {username} / {playlist_name}') # PLAYLIST TYPE SPECIFIC if playlist.type == 'recents': boundary_date = - \ datetime.timedelta(days=int(playlist.day_boundary)) playlist_tracks = list(added_after(playlist_tracks, boundary_date)) elif playlist.type == 'fmchart': if user.lastfm_username is None: logger.error(f'no associated username, chart source skipped {username} / {playlist_name}') else: chart_range = Network.Range.MONTH try: chart_range = Network.Range[playlist.chart_range] except KeyError: logger.error(f'invalid chart range found {playlist.chart_range}, ' f'defaulting to 1 month {username} / {playlist_name}') if fmnet is None: fmnet = database.get_authed_lastfm_network(user) if fmnet is not None: chart_tracks = map_lastfm_track_chart_to_spotify(spotnet=spotnet, fmnet=fmnet, period=chart_range, limit=playlist.chart_limit) if chart_tracks is not None and len(chart_tracks) > 0: playlist_tracks += chart_tracks else: logger.error(f'no tracks returned {username} / {playlist_name}') else: logger.error(f'no network returned {username} / {playlist_name}') # SORT METHOD if playlist.shuffle: random.shuffle(playlist_tracks) elif playlist.type != 'fmchart': playlist_tracks = sort_by_release_date(tracks=playlist_tracks, reverse=True) # RECOMMENDATIONS if playlist.include_recommendations: try: recommendations = spotnet.recommendations(tracks=[i.uri.object_id for i, j in get_track_objects( random.sample(playlist_tracks, k=min(5, len(playlist_tracks)) ) ) if i.uri.object_type == Uri.ObjectType.track], response_limit=playlist.recommendation_sample) if recommendations and len(recommendations.tracks) > 0: playlist_tracks += recommendations.tracks else: logger.error(f'error getting recommendations {username} / {playlist_name}') except SpotifyNetworkException: logger.exception(f'error occured while generating recommendations {username} / {playlist_name}') # DEDUPLICATE playlist_tracks = deduplicate_by_name(playlist_tracks) # EXECUTE try: spotnet.replace_playlist_tracks(uri=playlist.uri, uris=[i.uri for i, j in get_track_objects(playlist_tracks)]) if playlist.description_overwrite: string = playlist.description_overwrite else: string = ' / '.join(sorted(part_names)) if playlist.description_suffix: string += f' - {str(playlist.description_suffix)}' if string is None or len(string) == 0: logger.error(f'no string generated {username} / {playlist_name}') return None try: spotnet.change_playlist_details(uri=playlist.uri, description=string) except SpotifyNetworkException: logger.exception(f'error changing description for {username} / {playlist_name}') except SpotifyNetworkException: logger.exception(f'error executing {username} / {playlist_name}') playlist.last_updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow() playlist.update()