{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %}music{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %} {% if messages %} {% for message in messages %}
{{ message }}
A set of tools using Spotify and Last.fm to create smart playlists and calculate listening statistics
Playlists are updated multiple times a day to keep tracks up to date
Written in Python and Javascript, based on the spotframework and fmframework libraries
{% if logged_in %} Launch {% endif %}Create smart Spotify playlists pulling tracks from
Currents are mix playlists acting as a snapshot of what's being listened to at the moment
Includes date filtering on playlist sources for recently added tracks
Optionally search for and include "monthly" playlists for the last two months when named e.g february 20
Create playlists including Last.fm track charts of varying length and time range
Include Spotify recommendations based on the other tracks of the playlist
Create groups of entries for scrobble summing and listening stats
Present listening trends with pie charts