+ +

admin script

+class admin.Admin(completekey='tab', stdin=None, stdout=None)

Bases: cmd.Cmd


Compile sass to css and run npm build task

+ +

Copy main.{path}.py file corresponding to Python build stage

+ +
+deploy_function(name, timeout: int = 60, region='europe-west2')

Deploy function with required environment variables

+ +

Compile front-end and deploy to App Engine

+ +

Deploy background functions including cron job scheduling for update actions (run_all_playlists, run_all_playlist_stats, run_all_tags)

+ +

Compile documentation using sphinx

+ +

Exit script

+ +

Compile front-end and deploy to App Engine. Deploy primary functions (run_user_playlist, update_tag)

+ +

Deploy run_user_playlist function

+ +

Deploy run_all_playlists function

+ +

Deploy run_all_playlist_stats function

+ +

Prepare local working directory for deployment using static sarsoolib injections

+ +

Generate and export requirements.txt from Poetry manifest

+ +

Rename playlist in firestore

+ +

Run Flask app

+ +

Compile sass to css

+ +

Set project setting in gcloud console

+ +

Deploy update_tag function

+ +

Deploy run_all_tags function

+ +

Run Python unit tests

+ +

Run sass compiler with watch argument to begin watching source folder for changes

+ +
+ +
+function_deploy(main, function_id)

Deploy Cloud Function, copy main file and initiate gcloud command

  • main (str) – main path

  • +
  • function_id (str) – function id to deploy to

  • +
+ +
+intro = 'Music Tools Admin... ? for help'
+ +
+locals = ['spotframework', 'fmframework', 'spotfm']
+ +
+prompt = '> '
+ +
+ +
+ +
+admin.folders_to_ignore = ['venv', 'docs', '.git', '.idea', 'node_modules']


  • App Engine

  • +
  • +
    Cloud Functions:

    run_user_playlist +update_tag


    run_all_playlists +run_all_playlist_stats +run_all_tags

  • +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +