MDDP-Cableship/final report/report.lyx
2020-12-14 20:24:08 +00:00

280 lines
5.0 KiB

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Andy Pack
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January 2021
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Sustainable Cable Ship - Group 1
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Vessel Study
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Power Requirements
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Hotel Load [AP]
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Efficiency Investigations
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Solar [AP]
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Energy Storage [AP]
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Battery Chemistry
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Time-dependent Modelling
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Mission Ops
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Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Operations [AP]
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The following section outlines how the use of an unmanned underwater vehicle
(UUV) can make mission operations more efficient and precise.
The state of current UUV usage throughout cable repair operations is outlined
in order to identify the critical capabilities and requirements.
The future of the domain is then explored and the challenges identified
before exploring how these can be overcome in order to meet the determined
Prior to this, the domain of UUVs as a whole is described in order to outline
the scope of available vehicles.
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ROVs and AUVs
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Current ROV Usage
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Requirements Specification
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Current AUV Usage
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Domain Challenges
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Underwater Acoustic Positioning
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Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling
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