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68}, volume = {19}, abstract = {Recently, redox-flow batteries (RFBs) are drawing intensive attention due to their advantages of peak shaving, grid flexibility and long life time. All-vanadium RFBs are most widely employed, but the high cost and toxicity hinder their large-scale applications. As potential substitutes, development of organic-based aqueous RFBs is impeded by a lack of electroactive pairs with combination of high cell voltage and sufficient cycle stability. In this work, a novel biomolecule-based aqueous RFB with high performance was successfully fabricated. Lawsone, a renewable biomolecule derived from natural henna, was developed as a stable anolyte. By paring with 4-HO-TEMPO, the as-assembled RFB exhibits a high operating voltage above 1.30 V, which is among the highest records. Meanwhile, the capacity retention rate reaches 99.992% per cycle. This work highlights the rational utilization of redox-active biomolecule to construct sustainable, low-cost and high-performance aqueous RFBs.}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ensm.2018.10.017}, groups = {Battery}, keywords = {Biomolecule, Renewability, Flow battery, Energy storage, Sustainability}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240582971830895X}, urldate = {2020-12-20}, } @Misc{workingmouse-digitalisation, author = {David Burkett}, howpublished = {Online}, month = dec, title = {Digitisation and Digitalisation: What Means What?}, year = {2017}, url = {https://workingmouse.com.au/innovation/digitisation-digitalisation-digital-transformation}, urldate = {2020-12-20}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;} @Comment{jabref-meta: grouping: 0 AllEntriesGroup:; 1 StaticGroup:Communications\;0\;0\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; 1 StaticGroup:Navigation\;0\;0\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; 1 StaticGroup:Operations\;0\;1\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; 1 StaticGroup:UUV\;0\;1\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; 2 StaticGroup:ROV\;0\;1\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; 2 StaticGroup:AUV\;0\;1\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; 1 StaticGroup:Renewables\;0\;1\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; 1 StaticGroup:Battery\;0\;1\;0x8a8a8aff\;\;\;; }