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The propulsion will have a significant influence on other factors of the design as well as being one of the main opportunities to reduce the operational carbon footprint. Working from the brief, the design of the propulsion system will be particularl y focusing on two specifications, that of net-zero carbon operations and having a modular design facilitating a possible retrofit in the future. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Investigations were made into fully renewable electricity generation for the purpose of propulsion without chemical fuels. The main form of renewable electricity to have maritime applications would be solar. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Solar-powered ships have been commercially available for around 30 years however they are typically not of the same form factor as that being pursued here, tending towards smaller ferries and river or canal settings as opposed to sea-faring industrial vessels. Currently, the largest completely solar-powered ship is the Swiss \noun on Tûranor PlanetSolar \noun default , the first solar electric ship to circumnavigate the globe. Standing at 30m long, the vessel is at least half the length of typical cable ships, it is not an industrial craft and was instead designed as a luxury yacht. The deck of the vessel is also almost entirely covered in solar cells, an impractical design point for an industrial ship. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In order to evaluate the efficacy of a solar-powered propulsion system, estimations were made using the average deck area and propulsion power requirements of the existing fleet of cable laying and maintenance vehicles. A range of solar panels were included in an effort to find the highest energy density possible. Even with the generous and somewhat unrealistic assumptions that the panels could produce their maximum rated power for 8 hours a day with 50% coverage of the deck, only 1% of the required power could be provided by the solar array, see appendix \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand ref reference "sec:Solar-Power-Estimations" plural "false" caps "false" noprefix "false" \end_inset . Ultimately, a fully solar-powered industrial ship of scale being pursued in this project is not currently viable, despite solar being one of the most promising for such an application. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Modular Propulsion \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Some of the power generation methods discussed are not currently viable for the scale of vessel and endurance required. Many are close to being viable and will soon allow net-zero carbon operations with the feasibility of current fossil fuel solutions. With this and the design principle of modulation in mind, one method to allow retrofitting more advanced power generation in the future would be to abstract the power generation away from it's application in vessel propulsio n. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In doing so, the propulsion system could be divided into two areas of concern, power generation and drive. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Generation \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The generation stage of propulsion would include methods of generating electrici ty for the drive stage. This would include the power generated by chemical fuels as described in section NICK-PROPULSION and any renewable energy contributing to the propulsion of the vessel. Those systems not directly producing electrical power would include methods to transfer it, for example an alternator can be used to turn mechanical energy from a combustion engine to AC current. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Drive \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The drive section includes methods to store the energy from the generation stage and the thrust mechanisms, be they water jets, propellors or an alternati ve. Although, in theory, the generation stage could be directly connected to the thrust methods, the inclusion of energy storage provides a buffer to smooth power draw spikes. This would reduce the need to increase the power being generated to serve periods of high power draw. If used, this would allow combustion engines to run in their most efficient states, partially decoupled from the power draw. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Onboard Operating Systems \end_layout \begin_layout Standard To operate effectively at sea, the ship requires a number of systems to aid in navigation and control. Many of these are standard for marine operations, the scope of systems being used must be considered in order to estimate power usage, this will have implications on the wider power systems including propulsion. With part-electric propulsion including batteries, designs could include powering the onboard systems from this battery set or from a separate array. Additionally, final designs could generate power for these systems using onboard renewable energy such as solar power or from the combustion engines, the use of renewables would be favoured in order to contribute to the goal of net-zero carbon operations. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Navigation \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The use of a maritime radar system is critical for safety when maneuvering at-sea and close to shore. By measuring the reflections of emitted microwave beams, possible collisions both static and mobile including other ships and land obstacles can be identified and avoided. This allows safe movement even without any visibility. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A sonar system is also standard for maritime operations. While radar provides mapping of obstacles at the surface, sonar typically maps below the water. In its simplest form this provides depth information, more advanced systems can provide more extensive mapping of the surroundings. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Finally, a satellite navigation system such as GPS or Galileo will provide global mapping when navigating throughout the mission life-cycle. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These systems will serve as inputs to the higher-level navigation systems including autonomous control and dynamic positioning. Originally designed merely to hold a course, autonomous piloting systems are now capable of performing SLAM (Simultaneous localisation and mapping) to construct an intelligent and dynamic course that will reroute around objects, be they other ships or land masses. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Dynamic positioning is in many ways similar to the more intelligent autonomous systems described above. Originally used for offshore drilling operations, dynamic positioning systems are responsible for keeping a ship static, counteracting the moving ocean and wind. Advanced systems provide reliability and redundancy likely beyond the requireme nts of this project, \end_layout \begin_layout Quote Operations where loss of position keeping capability may cause fatal accidents, or severe pollution or damage with major economic consequences. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A suitable system for the repair operations taking into account it's capabilitie s and cost with be important during the design. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Communications \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The ship will be fitted with a VHF (Very high frequency) radio system, standard for maritime ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and possibly ship-to-air communication s. With transmitters limited to 25 watts, the radio has a range of roughly 100 kilometers which would not typically be useful for ship-to-mission control communications, this use case would be provided by an internet connection. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Supplementing the collision avoidance provided by the radar system, the use of a VHF radio with AIS (Automatic identification system) capabilities provide additional information to passing ships. Ships broadcast messages including a unique identifier, status (moving, anchored), speed and bearing. Advanced systems can also relay information from other ships, creating a mesh network. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The ship should have multiple gateways to the wider internet. While berthed, the ship should be able to directly connect to the main depot, whether physically with an Ethernet cable alongside shore-power or via a high-strength wireless connection. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard While at sea, the ship should be connected to the internet via a satellite connection. Satellite connectivity presents limited speed at a high price however it is one of the only methods to ensure consistent connectivity throughout the ship's operating range. With speeds typically below 1Mbps, specific QoS and flow controls would be necessary to prioritise mission critical traffic over user activity. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Auxiliary \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Other, more boilerplate, systems should be also included. This would include onboard lighting, both internal and external and an audio system for tannoy broadcasts. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Mission Ops - ROV \end_layout \begin_layout Section Depot Technical Structure \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Interaction with Ship \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Network Architecture \begin_inset CommandInset label LatexCommand label name "sec:Network-Architecture" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In designing a distributed cable repair environment across a depot and ship where digitalisation is a key design parameter, a secure and flexible network layout is critical. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The final environment will likely consist of between 2 and 3 networked sites depending on the physical layout of the depot, some of these sites should have bi-directional communications with the others. One of the critical design parameters will be security, both internal and external. External security includes protecting the network from outside actors with a firewall, access can be controlled with a virtual private network (VPN). Internally, security can be controlled using virtual LANs or VLANS. VLANs allow logical grouping of connected devices in order to specify rules defining who else on the network can be communicated with. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The structure of the network designed for the separate leisure facilities will depend upon it's location compared to the main depot. If the leisure facilities are directly co-located with the main depot then one large network could be constructed across both of the buildings. This could be done physically or with a wireless connection however a wired connection would be preferred for speed and stability. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Digitalisation \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The concept of digitalisation has a somewhat broad definition, sometimes dependent on the domain and context in which it is used. For the purposes of this project, the following adequately describes the goal being pursued, \end_layout \begin_layout Quote The use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a digital business. \begin_inset CommandInset citation LatexCommand cite key "gartner-digitalization" literal "false" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The most relevant areas within which to explore the process of digitalisation are the ship and mission operations, approaching what could colloquially be deemed a \emph on Smart Ship \emph default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As included in the discussion of the network layout, there will be server computation capabilities on the ship. Through the use of virtualisation, this hardware could be used both for network services and additional computation. These capabilities could be utilised for fields including AI and machine learning. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Combining bi-directional communication between ship and depot with local computation, mission coordination and could be made more efficient. Simple implementations could include live mission details being passed from depot-to-ship such as fault locations and equipment requirements and live, \emph on heartbeat \emph default -like data being passed back to the depot such as location, speed, battery and fuel levels. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard One of the main limitations would likely be the limited internet speed and latency of a satellite connection. It will be critical to ensure that, where possible, calculations with results relevant to the ship are computed locally in order to reduce the required bandwidth of the limited connection. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Newpage newpage \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset CommandInset label LatexCommand label name "sec:bibliography" \end_inset \begin_inset CommandInset bibtex LatexCommand bibtex btprint "btPrintCited" bibfiles "references" options "bibtotoc" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Newpage pagebreak \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Section \start_of_appendix Solar Power Estimations \begin_inset CommandInset label LatexCommand label name "sec:Solar-Power-Estimations" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Section Nuclear Extract \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Nuclear energy is a proven technology for vessels of this size however there are many caveats that effectively discount it from applications in this project. Despite effectively producing zero emissions, the required infrastructure, specialists, liability, and safety requirements are far beyond the scope of this project, insuring the vessel would also be a significant obstacle. For these and other reasons, nuclear marine propulsion is still mostly limited to military vessels. \end_layout \end_body \end_document