submitted, formatting to fit spec, better screenshots

This commit is contained in:
aj 2020-11-23 18:59:27 +00:00
parent d93a980ed5
commit e0f3025752
17 changed files with 1523 additions and 1145 deletions

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@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ IoT Aggregation Algorithm Coursework
November 2020
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Andy Pack / 6420013

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ customHeadersFooters
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@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ IoT Aggregation Algorithm Coursework
November 2020
\begin_layout Right Footer
\begin_layout Right Header
Andy Pack / 6420013
@ -159,6 +159,17 @@ d
\begin_layout Standard
The use of string representation allows further processing and analysis
techniques to be used such as string pattern matching, Euclidean distance
and hashing operations.
\begin_layout Standard
It is also an opportunity to reduce the required memory footprint.
12 C
\begin_inset listings
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@ -180,14 +191,55 @@ status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
representation instead, a window size of 2 halves the number of output
samples and lowers the required memory to just 6 bytes.
instead, a window size of 2 further halves the number of output samples
and lowers the required memory to just 6 bytes.
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Demonstration of SAX aggregation with window size of 2 and alphabet of length
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name "fig:Demonstration-of-SAX"
\begin_layout Section
@ -195,9 +247,9 @@ Specification
\begin_layout Standard
SAX is implemented in two separate steps, that of transforming the time-series
into Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA) representation and then representi
ng this numeric series with a symbolic alphabet.
SAX is implemented in two stages, that of transforming the time-series into
Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA) representation and then representing
this numeric series with a symbolic alphabet.
\begin_layout Subsection
@ -205,27 +257,47 @@ PAA
\begin_layout Standard
The standard deviation and mean of the data series were first calculated,
these are required for Z-normalisation.
This normalisation process takes a series of data and transforms it into
one with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
This changes the context of the value from being measured in lux to being
PAA is an effective method for reducing the dimensionality of a time-series
by focusing on the trends and patterns of the data as opposed to individual
It is a lossy operation that can be used to strike a balance between frequent
periodic sampling in order to keep the system responsive while reducing
the storage and processing requirements for such a large data stream.
This process is completed in two steps, Z-normalisation and aggregation.
\begin_layout Paragraph
\begin_layout Standard
The standard deviation and mean of the data series were first calculated
using previously written functionality to calculate these values for arbitrary
arrays of numbers.
This normalisation process takes a series of data and transforms it such
that the output series has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
This changes the context of the values from being measured in lux to being
a measure of a samples distance from the mean, 0, in standard deviations.
This allows comparison of different time-series.
This allows (somewhat) direct comparison of different time-series.
\begin_layout Paragraph
\begin_layout Standard
Following Z-normalisation, the size of the series is reduced by applying
a windowing function.
This takes subsequent equally-sized groups of samples and reduces the group
to the mean of those values.
to the mean of those values, reducing the length of the series by a scale
factor equal to the size of the group.
\begin_layout Standard
As a result of these two actions, the original time series has been reduced
to a given length of samples with a mean of 0 and standard deviation of
Following Z-normalisation and aggregation, the original time series has
been reduced to a given length of samples with a mean of 0 and standard
deviation of 1.
\begin_layout Subsection
@ -233,13 +305,70 @@ SAX
\begin_layout Standard
With the result of the above, the remaining step is to replace each sample
value with a symbol to represent it.
The amount of symbols to be used is given, each will represent the same
probability range when considering a Gaussian distribution of mean 0 and
standard deviation of 1.
This can be achieved by using standard deviation breakpoints defined such
that the area under Gaussian curve between breakpoints is the same.
SAX is an extension to the PAA representation that uses an alphabet of symbols
instead of numeric values.
Following Z-normalisation as part of the PAA process, a time-series of
data will follow a Gaussian distribution profile.
Each value describes how many standard deviations it is away from the mean
of the series (how far away from the central Gaussian peak it is), an approxima
tion of the value could be found by dividing the area of the Gaussian profile
into segments and referring to each by a character.
Each data value can now be described by a segment identifier.
These segments should not be of equal width, however - values are likely
to be closer to the mean, referring to these by a single character would
be unproductive.
Instead the Gaussian profile is divided into segments corresponding to
equal probabilities or areas under the curve.
\begin_layout Standard
These segments are realised using breakpoints, the standard deviations that
describe the edges of each segment.
By comparing each datum to subsequent breakpoints the segment that the
value lies within can be identified and the corresponding character retrieved
for representation.
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filename SaxBy4,8Break.png
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Demonstration of SAX aggregation with window size of 4 and alphabet of length
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:Demonstration-of-SAX-2"
\begin_layout Section
@ -249,8 +378,34 @@ Implementation
\begin_layout Standard
The SAX functionality was added as an alternative buffer rotating mechanism
over the original 12-to-1/4-to-1/12-to-12 aggregation system.
The length of the output buffer is calculated such that it can be allocated.
From here the input buffer is Z-normalised using the
This rotation mechanism lies between receiving the full data buffer on
the processing thread and passing it to the
\begin_inset listings
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
function for display.
\begin_layout Standard
The length of the output buffer is calculated using the full data buffer's
length and the group size with which it is divided.
This size is used to allocate a new buffer to store the PAA representation
of the data.
\begin_layout Standard
From here the input buffer is Z-normalised using the
\begin_inset listings
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@ -271,15 +426,20 @@ status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
This function iterates over each value in the buffer, subtracts the buffer's
mean and then divides by the standard deviation.
Following this, the buffer is aggregated using the same 4-to-1 aggregation
mean and then divides by the standard deviation (the mean and standard
deviation are stored as members of the buffer prior to passing to the function).
\begin_layout Standard
Following this, the buffer is aggregated using the same 4-to-1 aggregation
\begin_inset listings
lstparams "basicstyle={\ttfamily}"
@ -293,12 +453,258 @@ aggregateBuffer(bufferIn, bufferOut, groupSize)
as the group size is variable.
used previously.
This functionality was used as the group size is variable and the same
required windowing and average function is used, as such it could be reused
with the desired aggregation level.
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shows an output using a window size of 4 instead of figure
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's width of 2.
The output from this function represents the PAA form of the initial data
\begin_layout Standard
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function takes a
\begin_inset listings
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struct as input which is defined as being a collection of
\begin_inset listings
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
In order to maintain this structure and compatibility with the non-SAX
aggregation, the buffer is passed to this function in PAA form without
SAX conversion to a string.
In order to complete the system, the buffer must be
\emph on
\emph default
within this final method following a pre-processor check that SAX is being
\begin_layout Standard
SAX symbolic representation is completed using the
\begin_inset listings
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
function of the
\begin_inset listings
lstparams "basicstyle={\ttfamily}"
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
This function allocates a string of suitable size before iterating over
each value of the buffer and calling
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to retrieve the corresponding
\begin_inset listings
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As the breakpoints are a constant for a given number of segments and would
require computation, the values for the breakpoints are defined by the
pre-processor based on the number of segments defined by the
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\begin_layout Standard
For each value, the breakpoints are iterated over.
Specific cases are defined for the beginning and end of the breakpoints
as these are one-sided inequalities.
For the rest, the value is compared to two neighbouring breakpoints.
A true condition for any of these checks indicates that the correct segment
for the value has been identified.
The same return value,
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, is used in every case.
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is a macro used to define the first character of the alphabet being used
for SAX representation (likely either
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\begin_inset listings
lstparams "basicstyle={\ttfamily}"
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset listings
lstparams "basicstyle={\ttfamily}"
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
is the iteration variable for the loop, it is used as an offset from the
alphabet start and is evaluated to a
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for return.
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\begin_inset Note Comment
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This final buffer is handled using
\begin_inset listings
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@ -333,43 +739,6 @@ stringifyBuffer(buffer)
which performs the SAX symbolic representation.
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filename SaxBy2,4Break.png
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\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Demonstration of SAX aggregation with window size of 2 and alphabet of length
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:Demonstration-of-SAX"

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ IoT Aggregation Algorithm Coursework
November 2020
\begin_layout Right Footer
\begin_layout Right Header
Andy Pack / 6420013
@ -133,11 +133,15 @@ Andy Pack / 6420013
\emph on
Standard deviation thresholds of 400 for some activity and 1,000 for high
\begin_inset VSpace 15pheight%
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
placement bh
placement h
wide false
sideways false
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@ -145,9 +149,9 @@ status open
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\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename 12to1.jpg
filename last12to1.png
lyxscale 50
width 80col%
width 100col%
@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ status open
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\align center
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filename 12to3.jpg
filename last4to1.png
lyxscale 50
width 100col%
@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename 12to12.jpg
filename last12to12.png
lyxscale 50
width 100col%

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ void // perform aggregation into groupSize (4 in the spec)
aggregateBuffer(Buffer bufferIn, Buffer bufferOut, int groupSize)
int requiredGroups = ceil((float)bufferIn.length/groupSize); // number of groups
int finalGroupSize = (bufferIn.length % groupSize) * groupSize; // work out length of final group if bufferIn not of length that divides nicely
int finalGroupSize = bufferIn.length % groupSize; // work out length of final group if bufferIn not of length that divides nicely
if(requiredGroups > bufferOut.length) // error check

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
#define READING_INTERVAL 2 //in Hz
#define BUFFER_SIZE 12 // length of buffer to populate
#define SD_THRESHOLD_SOME 400 // some activity, compress above, flatten below
// below thresholds are calibrated for the cooja slider
// they are likely not suitable for using on the mote
#define SD_THRESHOLD_SOME 400 // some activity, 4-to-1 above, 12-to-1 below
#define SD_THRESHOLD_LOTS 1000 // lots of activity, don't aggregate
#define AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE 2 // group size to aggregate (4 in spec)
#define AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE 4 // group size to aggregate (4 in spec)
#define INITIAL_STATE true // whether begins running or not
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ PROCESS_THREAD(sensing_process, ev, data)
static struct etimer timer;
if(isRunning) etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_SECOND/READING_INTERVAL); // start timer if running
event_buffer_full = process_alloc_event();
event_buffer_full = process_alloc_event(); // event for passing full buffers away for processing
static Buffer buffer;
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ PROCESS_THREAD(sensing_process, ev, data)
buffer.items[counter] = light_lx; // STORE
printf("%2i/%i: ", counter + 1, buffer.length);putFloat(light_lx);putchar('\n'); // DISPLAY CURRENT VALUE
//printBuffer(buffer);putchar('\n'); // DISPLAY CURRENT BUFFER
if(counter == buffer.length) // CHECK WHETHER FULL
@ -126,10 +129,15 @@ handleSimpleBufferRotation(Buffer *inBufferPtr)
Stats sd = calculateStdDev(inBuffer.items, inBuffer.length); // GET BUFFER STATISTICS
printf("B = ");printBuffer(inBuffer);putchar('\n');
printf("StdDev = ");putFloat(sd.std);putchar('\n');
printf("Aggregation = ");
if(sd.std > SD_THRESHOLD_LOTS)
printf("Lots of activity, std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", leaving as-is\n");
//printf("Lots of activity, std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", leaving as-is\n");
outBuffer = getBuffer(1); // get a dummy buffer, will swap items for efficiency
@ -139,7 +147,8 @@ handleSimpleBufferRotation(Buffer *inBufferPtr)
else if(sd.std > SD_THRESHOLD_SOME)
printf("Some activity, std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", compressing buffer\n");
//printf("Some activity, std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", compressing buffer\n");
int outLength = ceil((float)inBuffer.length/AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE); // CALCULATE NUMBER OF OUTPUT ELEMENTS
outBuffer = getBuffer(outLength); // CREATE OUTPUT BUFFER
@ -150,7 +159,8 @@ handleSimpleBufferRotation(Buffer *inBufferPtr)
printf("Insignificant std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", squashing buffer\n");
//printf("Insignificant std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", squashing buffer\n");
outBuffer = getBuffer(1); // CREATE OUTPUT BUFFER
@ -192,16 +202,16 @@ handleSAXBufferRotation(Buffer *inBufferPtr)
handleFinalBuffer(Buffer buffer)
printf("Final buffer output: ");
printf("Mean: ");putFloat(buffer.stats.mean);putchar('\n');
printf("Std Dev: ");putFloat(buffer.stats.std);putchar('\n');putchar('\n');
printf("X: ");printBuffer(buffer);putchar('\n');
#ifdef SAX
printf("Mean: ");putFloat(buffer.stats.mean);putchar('\n');
printf("Std Dev: ");putFloat(buffer.stats.std);putchar('\n');putchar('\n');
char* saxString = stringifyBuffer(buffer);
printf("SAX: %s\n\n", saxString);
printf("SAX: %s\n", saxString);

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ceil(float in) // self-implement ceil func, no math.h
sqrt(float in) // self-implement ceil sqrt, no math.h
sqrt(float in) // self-implement sqrt func, no math.h
float sqrt = in/2;
float temp = 0;

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ IOT Labs
Using Coniki and Cooja in C.
![4-into-1 aggregation](Coursework-Reports/12to3.jpg)
![4-into-1 aggregation](Coursework-Reports/last4to1.png)
![SAX aggregation](Coursework-Reports/SaxBy2,4Break.png)