added no aggregation for no activity, buffer memory swapping

This commit is contained in:
aj 2020-11-18 19:02:24 +00:00
parent da602ad67b
commit c15f893e47
9 changed files with 1689 additions and 1403 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
obj_* obj_*
*~ *~

Coursework-Reports/code.lyx Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
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IoT Aggregation Algorithm Coursework
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November 2020
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Andy Pack / 6420013
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View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ typedef struct Buffer {
} Buffer; } Buffer;
Buffer Buffer
getBuffer(int size) getBuffer(int size) // retrieve new buffer with malloc-ed memory space
{ {
float* memSpace = (float*) malloc(size * sizeof(float)); float* memSpace = (float*) malloc(size * sizeof(float));
Buffer buffer = {memSpace, size, }; Buffer buffer = {memSpace, size, };
@ -19,12 +19,30 @@ getBuffer(int size)
} }
void void
freeBuffer(Buffer buffer) // little abstraction function to act as buffer destructor
swapBufferMemory(Buffer *first, Buffer *second) // swap memspaces between buffers
float* firstItems = first->items; // swap input buffer and output buffer item pointers
first->items = second->items;
second->items = firstItems;
int firstLength = first->length; // swap lengths to iterate correctly
first->length = second->length;
second->length = firstLength;
void // perform aggregation into groupSize (4 in the spec)
aggregateBuffer(Buffer bufferIn, Buffer bufferOut, int groupSize) aggregateBuffer(Buffer bufferIn, Buffer bufferOut, int groupSize)
{ {
int requiredGroups = ceil((float)bufferIn.length/groupSize); // number of groups int requiredGroups = ceil((float)bufferIn.length/groupSize); // number of groups
int finalGroupSize = (bufferIn.length % groupSize) * groupSize; int finalGroupSize = (bufferIn.length % groupSize) * groupSize; // work out length of final group if bufferIn not of length that divides nicely
if(requiredGroups > bufferOut.length) // error if(requiredGroups > bufferOut.length) // error check
{ {
putFloat((float)bufferIn.length/groupSize); putFloat((float)bufferIn.length/groupSize);
printf(" length out buffer required, %i provided\n", bufferOut.length); printf(" length out buffer required, %i provided\n", bufferOut.length);
@ -39,9 +57,9 @@ aggregateBuffer(Buffer bufferIn, Buffer bufferOut, int groupSize)
int length = groupSize; // length of this group's size int length = groupSize; // length of this group's size
if(g == requiredGroups - 1 && finalGroupSize != 0) length = finalGroupSize; // shorten if necessary if(g == requiredGroups - 1 && finalGroupSize != 0) length = finalGroupSize; // shorten if necessary
*outputPtr = calculateMean(inputPtr, length); // SET *outputPtr = calculateMean(inputPtr, length); // SET OUTPUT VALUE
inputPtr += length; // increment both inputPtr += length; // increment both cursors
outputPtr++; outputPtr++;
} }
} }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
#define READING_INTERVAL 3 //in Hz #define READING_INTERVAL 2 //in Hz
#define BUFFER_SIZE 9 // length of buffer to populate #define BUFFER_SIZE 12 // length of buffer to populate
#define SD_THRESHOLD 300 // whether to aggregate or flatten #define SD_THRESHOLD_SOME 400 // some activity, compress above, flatten below
#define AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE 3 // group size to aggregate (4 in spec) #define SD_THRESHOLD_LOTS 1000 // lots of activity, don't aggregate
#define AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE 4 // group size to aggregate (4 in spec)
#define INITIAL_STATE true // whether begins running or not
#include "contiki.h" #include "contiki.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* For printf() */ #include <stdio.h> /* For printf() */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "io.h" #include "io.h"
#include "util.h" // for print methods #include "util.h" // for print methods
@ -16,51 +21,73 @@
static process_event_t event_buffer_full; static process_event_t event_buffer_full;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PROCESS(sensing_process, "Sensing process"); PROCESS(sensing_process, "Sensing process"); // collect data
PROCESS(aggregator_process, "Aggregator process"); PROCESS(aggregator_process, "Aggregator process"); // receive full data buffers for processing
AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&sensing_process, &aggregator_process); AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&sensing_process, &aggregator_process);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PROCESS_THREAD(sensing_process, ev, data) PROCESS_THREAD(sensing_process, ev, data)
{ {
/*INIT*/ /*INIT*/
static struct etimer timer;
event_buffer_full = process_alloc_event();
static struct etimer timer;
SENSORS_ACTIVATE(light_sensor); event_buffer_full = process_alloc_event();
static bool isRunning = INITIAL_STATE;
static Buffer buffer; static Buffer buffer;
buffer = getBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE); buffer = getBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE);
static int counter = 0; static int counter = 0;
while(1) while(1)
{ {
if (isRunning == true) {
leds_off(LEDS_RED); leds_off(LEDS_RED);
float light_lx = getLight(); // GET float light_lx = getLight(); // GET
buffer.items[counter] = light_lx; // STORE buffer.items[counter] = light_lx; // STORE
printf("%2i/%i: ", counter + 1, buffer.length);putFloat(light_lx);putchar('\n'); // DISPLAY VALUE printf("%2i/%i: ", counter + 1, buffer.length);putFloat(light_lx);putchar('\n'); // DISPLAY CURRENT VALUE
//printBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);putchar('\n'); // DISPLAY CURRENT BUFFER //printBuffer(buffer);putchar('\n'); // DISPLAY CURRENT BUFFER
counter++; counter++;
if(counter == buffer.length) // CHECK WHETHER FULL if(counter == buffer.length) // CHECK WHETHER FULL
{ {
process_post(&aggregator_process, event_buffer_full, &buffer); process_post(&aggregator_process, event_buffer_full, &buffer); // pass buffer to processing thread
counter = 0; counter = 0;
buffer = getBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE); buffer = getBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE); // get new buffer for next data, no freeing in this thread
} }
etimer_reset(&timer); etimer_reset(&timer);
} }
else if (ev == sensors_event && data == &button_sensor)
isRunning = !isRunning;
if (isRunning == true)
printf("Stopping, clearing buffer...\n");
//buffer = getBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE);
counter = 0; // just reset counter, used as index on buffer items, will overwrite
} }
@ -76,8 +103,8 @@ PROCESS_THREAD(aggregator_process, ev, data)
Buffer fullBuffer = *(Buffer *)data; Buffer fullBuffer = *(Buffer *)data;
/*********************/ /*********************/
handleBufferRotation(fullBuffer); handleBufferRotation(&fullBuffer); // pass by reference, edited if lots of activity
free(fullBuffer.items); freeBuffer(fullBuffer);
/*********************/ /*********************/
} }
@ -86,26 +113,41 @@ PROCESS_THREAD(aggregator_process, ev, data)
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Buffer filled with readings, process and aggregate // Buffer filled with readings, process and aggregate
void void
handleBufferRotation(Buffer inBuffer) handleBufferRotation(Buffer *inBufferPtr)
{ {
printf("Buffer full, aggregating\n\n"); printf("Buffer full, aggregating\n\n");
Buffer inBuffer = *inBufferPtr;
Buffer outBuffer; // OUTPUT BUFFER HOLDER Buffer outBuffer; // OUTPUT BUFFER HOLDER
// above pointer is assigned a buffer in either of the below cases // above pointer is assigned a buffer in either of the below cases
Stats sd = calculateStdDev(inBuffer.items, inBuffer.length); // GET BUFFER STATISTICS Stats sd = calculateStdDev(inBuffer.items, inBuffer.length); // GET BUFFER STATISTICS
if(sd.std > SD_THRESHOLD)
{// buffer length by 4 /* LOTS OF ACTIVITY - LEAVE */
printf("Significant STD: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", compressing buffer\n"); if(sd.std > SD_THRESHOLD_LOTS)
printf("Lots of activity, std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", leaving as-is\n");
outBuffer = getBuffer(1); // get a dummy buffer, will swap items for efficiency
swapBufferMemory(inBufferPtr, &outBuffer); // ensures both are freed but no need to copy items
else if(sd.std > SD_THRESHOLD_SOME)
printf("Some activity, std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", compressing buffer\n");
int outLength = ceil((float)inBuffer.length/AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE); // CALCULATE NUMBER OF OUTPUT ELEMENTS int outLength = ceil((float)inBuffer.length/AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE); // CALCULATE NUMBER OF OUTPUT ELEMENTS
outBuffer = getBuffer(outLength); // CREATE OUTPUT BUFFER outBuffer = getBuffer(outLength); // CREATE OUTPUT BUFFER
aggregateBuffer(inBuffer, outBuffer, AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE); aggregateBuffer(inBuffer, outBuffer, AGGREGATION_GROUP_SIZE);
}else }
{// buffer length to 1 /* NO ACTIVITY - FLATTEN */
printf("Insignificant STD: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", squashing buffer\n"); else
printf("Insignificant std. dev.: ");putFloat(sd.std);printf(", squashing buffer\n");
outBuffer = getBuffer(1); // CREATE OUTPUT BUFFER outBuffer = getBuffer(1); // CREATE OUTPUT BUFFER
outBuffer.items[0] = sd.mean; outBuffer.items[0] = sd.mean;
@ -114,7 +156,7 @@ handleBufferRotation(Buffer inBuffer)
/*********************/ /*********************/
handleFinalBuffer(outBuffer); // PASS FINAL BUFFER handleFinalBuffer(outBuffer); // PASS FINAL BUFFER
free(outBuffer.items); // RELEASE ITEMS freeBuffer(outBuffer); // RELEASE ITEMS
/*********************/ /*********************/
} }

Binary file not shown.

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@ -2,8 +2,17 @@
#define _IO_GUARD #define _IO_GUARD
#include "dev/light-sensor.h" #include "dev/light-sensor.h"
#include "dev/button-sensor.h"
#include "dev/leds.h" #include "dev/leds.h"
// get float from light sensor including transfer function // get float from light sensor including transfer function
float float
getLight(void) getLight(void)

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ calculateMean(float buffer[], int length)
return 0; return 0;
} }
/* SUM */
float sum = 0; float sum = 0;
int i; int i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++) for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ calculateMean(float buffer[], int length)
sum += buffer[i]; sum += buffer[i];
} }
return sum / length; return sum / length; // DIVIDE ON RETURN
} }
Stats Stats
@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ calculateStdDev(float buffer[], int length)
int i; int i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++) for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
{ {
float diffFromMean = buffer[i] - stats.mean; float diffFromMean = buffer[i] - stats.mean; // (xi - mu)
sum += diffFromMean*diffFromMean; sum += diffFromMean*diffFromMean; // Sum(diff squared)
} }
stats.std = sqrt(sum/length); stats.std = sqrt(sum/length);